The Official M10 2021 Freakout Thread

Tbh for me exeter and i know this sounds unhinged but i made it clear to them that i wanted to go to their schools and i showed demostrated interest. I’m aslo an URM plus im not seeking FA. I’m really good at art and music and have good EC’s and volunteer work. I know this sounds kind of consequential but this is how i really feel. and exeter is a really competitive school.

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Yeah I get that! Don’t worry, you don’t sound unhinged :wink:

thank you, that means a lot.

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Yes, I read through your ‘chance me’ thread. I was honestly impressed and I’m certain you’d be seriously considered as a competitive applicant by all the schools you’ve applied to!

Thank you, you too you have very good stats and an amazing essay unlike anyone else’s.

Thank you very much; I really appreciate it! :blush:

Although, my ‘chance me’ thread is rather outdated (It was for the previous application cycle). I considered making a new one but I’m too lazy to do so. :sweat_smile:

I never made a chance me thread, and now I kinda regret that :frowning:

Do you still want to make one?

I don’t know; if I have time, maybe I will!

Wow… 9 days left! Crazy…

For Andover, I wrote about how many times I moved around in my life and how all those places inspired me to become who I am. (Kinda basic)?

None. I can’t be certain at all because the schools I applied to had acceptances in the teens. I’ll probably end up going to LPS. Also because, my stats aren’t “above and beyond”.

Your stats are above and beyond! I’m positive that you’ll get into a school.

Yeah! Don’t lose hope. We really never know what goes on in that Admissions Office

I just read through your stats, and they’re pretty awesome imo :grinning:

For the rest of my essays ,they all were either about challenges or important person in our lives.For the challenge,I wrote about how facing colorism has changed the way I view life and how my skin was an not a weakness .For my Exeter essay ,I wrote about community and how it was present in one of the protest I attended.The other essay was about facing major cultural differences in my school.

Wow, those sound amazing.

Wow everyone here has interesting essays :00 and HEY HEY DONT TALK YOURSELF DOWN I BELIEVE IN ALL OF US!!


did you guys see the andover 2025 page :sob:I felt like that was kind of too soon.

Oh wait? They already have one?!? Lmao :joy: