The Official M10 2021 Freakout Thread

Haha yeah I don’t want to get my hopes up. It’s weird to see what the letter looks like. I’m only applying to Exeter (from the three you showed), and it feels so awkward knowing that’s a decision I may get next Wednesday

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Oh, side note, I was going back through my email and found the old Andover portal link and I think it’s the same link because the page says that decisions are coming out at 7AM on M10. I don’t think it’s been announced so it definitely could change (last year the notification came out on the fifth) but just if you guys want to plan for that.

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Is anyone having dreams about M10… Like on the surface I’m not too nervous, just excited, but last night I had this dream that I was checking my portals and at every school I got waitlisted, except for Brooks which is a school I like, but I’m still not sure if I like enough to leave my current school for. So I was super conflicted in the dream and just??? I think I’m going crazy

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Yep. I had a dream a few nights ago where I got rejected everywhere. I was shocked to find out it was only F27 when I woke up

Yes! I have so many dreams ,I have dreams I get accepted everywhere and some dreams I get rejected every where

Omg I had a dream about re-filling out applications then woke up paranoid that I did it all wrong. This can’t be healthy lol.

i’ve never dreamt about it tbh

Do you guys have a plan for March 10th ,I think If I get accepted places ,I’m actually going to throw a party

Honestly I have no idea. I read somewhere (I think it was Calliemomofgirls?) who said that M10 with acceptances is stressful with a lot of emails and scheduling revisits and things like that, so I’m not planning anything yet

Hahaha I’m Catholic and it’s lent rn. I gave up gluten, but if I get accepted anywhere (or rejected lol), I’m going to make an exception and gorge on cake.

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Tbh if i get accepted to the school i really want to go to then I don’t have to think about it twice.

Interesting fact: today is the first full day in which we’re under 200 hours away from M10!

Yeah I remember one time I dreamed that I got accepted into Exeter and St. Paul’s School but then I woke up. I also dreamt about getting rejected everywhere .

200 hours sounds like a really short amount of time

lol my sisters have to do that everyday…celiac disease.

Hahaha my mom has that too. I so glad I don’t lol, I would hate it so much

I had one dream back in december… Got accepted to Andover and Hotchkiss! Hopefully that comes true =)

the andover 2025 page is honestly scaring me

i’m pretty obsessive over this whole application season but that was a little too early

yeah, it should’ve been created after everyone was accepted. maybe even after the april 10 deadline.

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