The Official M10 2021 Freakout Thread

harder, definitely

depends on the school… but if you mean in terms of apps idk but college is probably way harder

I think harder because there’s more on the line? But easier because at this point, we’ll have already gone through a very similar process. There’s less need for trial and error

Literally just saying that I got in somewhere

In a way ,I think it’s easier because for college you can have Safety’s but then again prep school is only high school so it won’t really affect you

Ugh lawrencville just said “morning” for when they’re releasing decisions. That’s so vague lol.

right ,i will be checking my portal from 6–12 because of that morning email :sob:

Hahaha same

Sometimes I check my portal just to see if they accidentally made a mistake and posted a decision :sob:


I did that this morning and re-read my waitlist letters to remember what to expect

Lol that would be 4-6pm for me

could you PM me and show me what a waitlist letter looks like?

you dont have to if you dont want to

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Yea i’ve always wondered what a waitlist letter looked like

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Sure, I can post one here one second


Here are the ones for St. Mark’s, Concord Academy, and Phillips Exeter:

The Admission Committee has met to review your application for admission. Although we are not able to offer you acceptance to St. Mark’s at this time, we have placed your name in our Wait Pool.

We have chosen to place you in the Wait Pool because we think you would make a fine addition to the St. Mark’s community; however, given this year’s record number of outstanding applicants, our space is limited. Should a space become available, we will notify you, but it may not be until April 10, or shortly thereafter. You will only be notified in the event that we are able to offer you acceptance to St. Mark’s.

Please understand that telephone calls or additional letters of support are unnecessary at this time and will not influence or accelerate movement in the Wait Pool.

Ours is a wait “pool,” not a ranked list. Please let us know if you would like to remain in the Wait Pool by completing our online Wait Pool Confirmation Form at your earliest convenience–but no later than April 10. We thank you for your interest in St. Mark’s School.

I am writing to inform you that we have placed you in our wait pool for admission. The Admissions Committee, comprised of admissions counselors, faculty, and senior students, enjoyed getting to know more about you over the past several weeks and noted that you presented a strong profile for admission to CA.

Unfortunately, CA is too small to welcome many qualified applicants like you. This year over 850 students applied for about 100 available places. If CA is your first-choice school, we hope that you will email us at to indicate your interest in remaining in our wait pool if a spot becomes available.

Here is some important information about our wait pool that you may find helpful:

  1. Students in our wait pool are not ranked.

  2. Typically, we have admitted between five and ten students from the wait pool between April 9 and August 1.

  3. Wait pool activity is determined by how many students accept our offers of admission and the swiftness with which families can make enrollment decisions.

Should we be able to offer you a place in the incoming class, we will ask for your decision as promptly as you and your family can arrive at one, hopefully within several days. If it is possible to arrange a revisit day, we will be happy to do so before you make your final decision.

[Name], I recognize that our decision to place you in our wait pool may be disappointing. I hope you are able to consider this news a temporary setback and not a permanent roadblock in your educational journey. Although we had to place many qualified applicants like you in our wait pool this year, we will continue to have a strong interest in you joining our community of learners.

The Admissions Committee has carefully reviewed your application for admission to Phillips Exeter Academy. While we are not able to offer you admission at this time, the committee was impressed with the strength of your application and would like to offer you a place on our waiting list. Please know that Exeter received close to 3,000 applications for a small number of admission openings, and this required the Admissions Committee to make some very difficult decisions.

I hope you will agree to accept a place on our waiting list so we may consider your application should openings become available in the weeks ahead. To accept your spot on our waiting list, simply click here.

In the meantime, I encourage you to view our Commonly Asked Questions page at

I don’t claim the negative energy in this post


But thanks for it!

Oh wow they make it seem like they care so much which makes it even more sad:/

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Honestly, yeah, good for you! Personally, I’m not really thinking about it as negative energy, just realistic. I know I’m not going to get in everywhere and this is just how I’m preparing so I don’t feel too down when I inevitably get waitlisted somewhere.