The Official M10 2021 Freakout Thread

Guys Miss Porter’s School gives such great swag (and it’s pre-M10???) and honestly I think they might be really up there on my favorite schools list. Like the TIE program, the community, the campus, just everything is so awesome. And I had so much fun at their events.

ahhhhhhhhhhhhh and they have such cool (but some very secretive?) traditions like the old girl/new girl thing, the graduation rings (which I think isn’t only Porter’s but it’s still so cool). And I still love the TIE program so much I think it really aligns to what I’m interested in. Plus the variety in A.I.S classes oh my god.

and I was with this tour guide and they seemed so down to earth and real but super funny and yeah, I really liked the vibe.

alright freakout over (for now)


It’s a wonderful school and incredibly quaint campus setting. Glad you are excited, fingers crossed for you.

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Ok I’m FREAKING OUT IM SO EXCITED FOR M10!!! I just had an amazing interview with NMH :slight_smile:


@mondaydevil Did you read about the Porters Challenges? Will you be doing one of them?

I did read about them, but I don’t think I’ll be doing one of them. I’m working on some things of my own and I’d rather focus on those for now!

Thanks so much- I’m in the furious state of editing essays atm.

Lololol same here same here. I suck at writing and I keep rereading them and editing them and rereading them and editing them etc.

Hi guys! Joining this thread a little late in the game with applications due soon. I feel like my applications are complete but I am so nervous to submit them ahhhh.

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6 Days left! How is everyone?
I’m half excited and half scared, just realized my essays aren’t very well written and are trying my best to rewrite them :crossed_fingers: hope it comes out good
I have mixed feelings for M10. On one hand I’m really excited-ish, calm-ish “I’m going to get in and everything will be okay, even if I don’t get in it’s a learning experience and I can always reapply next year” but on the other hand my heart rate probably peaked at 140 three times because “oh my god I’m not going to get in cause I suck why did I think I have a chance everyone else is so much more qualified and has better everything ahhhhh” lol =P

@pearlescentrose It’s a super exciting time! Did you end up adding any schools to your list? Tip for your essays: read them aloud and that can help you find the problems. (extra points for reading to yourself in a mirror). You got this!

Sadly, I didn’t end up adding anything to my list. If I do take part in the next application season, I will definitely add Hill and other more higher acceptance rates to my school list =)

Welcome to the forum!!

@mondaydevil thank you so much! Happy to be here especially during the waiting game ahh.

5days5days5days5days5days D: big scared


Okay this probably only applies to me with my bad SSAT Scores but oh well:

Scores are NOT everything! I was assured by many AOs from top schools that it is just a number. All of them also said scaled scores are more telling than a percentile. Also verbal is the least important part apparently. In the eyes of most if not all AOs, the SSAT is NOT a deciding factor and will NOT keep you out of a school.

Also I have faith in all of you!!! Best of luck to all of CC, and hoping for M10 acceptances!


Yeah I agree with this. Don’t lose hope guys! Test scores aren’t everything, and they don’t define who you are!

I am your personal J15 timer =P

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And I still haven’t finished my essays… oh no

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SAME oh my god

and this is our last week of the semester so teachers are piling on a lot of homework and tests as well. I’m just going to sit down and try to finish it all in a few hours today.

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big oof for both you and @mondaydevil tbh my essays kinda suck so I t ’ s o k ='D
Edit: lol my ranting is the 100th reply

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