The Official M10 2021 Freakout Thread

I love cooking

thats what the wings looked like last night ,we put sauce on them to jazz it up a little

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omg that looks so good :0 I’m not the best at cooking but I’ll learn over the summer if I get in lolol

Hi everyone! I haven’t really said anything on this thread this year but as m10 draws near I thought I’d hop on. Some of you might remember me from last year when I was more active on cc. But anyhow, I noticed we were talking about boba and just wanted to say making boba in the dorm kitchen sounds like the dream haha.

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Also does anyone know how I can change my username? I’m not even sure where smolderinghottea came from.

hopefully they let us :0

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I don’t think you can change it sorry :sob:but welcome to CC! :heart:

wrong reply, meant for the boba one LOL i’m stupid

Good luck everyone! This last week is the hardest, but y’all’ve got this.


Thank you for the support!

omg i’ve seen you a lot when i read old threads! how’s Choate?

I’m not active on here, but reading this thread really helps with my anxiety leading up to M10. Just to know that there are other people out there experiencing the same thing is kind of comforting lol


Oh no… guess I’m stuck with smolderinghottea haha. And thank you! I’m hoping it’ll take some of the stress away during this last week of anticipation.

This thread is very welcoming ! what schools did you guys apply for and what grade!

I decided to do the same thing I did last year even though I didn’t get the results I was hoping for. I’m applying for Exeter, Andover, Choate, and SPS for 10th grade.

Dude I’m applying to the exact same set of schools!! :smiley: Best of luck to you!! Hopefully you get in somewhere this time!!

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We applied to common schools Andover,Loomis,Choate,Taft,Exeter,Deerfield,Hotchkiss,Middlesex ,Lawrencville, Concord,St Pauls, and Cushing ← that’s where I applied

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I just applied to Exeter on the last day

How’s everyone passing the days? I’m currently burying myself in schoolwork and binging Marvel movies. I am however very close to finishing that list so if anyone has any recommendations of other ways to take our minds off of m10 I would very much appreciate them :slight_smile:

Close* not closing oops

I started reading 1984 lol. It’s pretty dense so at least it’s something to do. I haven’t been reading as much as normal lately but it’s a nice way to take my mind off BS.
Also YouTube lol. Lots and lots of YouTube