The Official M10 2021 Freakout Thread

no they sent acceptances a day early on accident and left everyone to stress out over whether it was a batch of acceptances or all of them

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OMG, that sounds horrible!

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I think they just do an email before 8

This year they’re using a portal, not an email, to notify applicants about their decisions.

I’m oddly calm for some reason. I think it’s because I’ve accepted that whatever happens happens, and I tried my best. It also helps to be going to school and extracurriculars in person. They take up a lot of time and help to distract me :slight_smile:


okay thanks. have they given us the portal info yet and I was just oblivious?

they gave it to us a few months ago, it’s the same portal with the checklist for your application

there’s no news on peddie decisions either

i’m feeling kind of settled with the fact that my chances are higher at some schools

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ahhh got it thank you

any word on choate?

They sent an email on the 4th it’s at 8am

oh yeah i forgot about that

I’m definitely calmer than I was before. If I start getting anxious about something, I just try to ignore and continue with my day and it’s been working so far, which is good.

I wholeheartedly agree about whatever happens happens. And we all tried our best, so there’s nothing we can change now, especially this late.

The only thing I’m kinda nervous about is how I still haven’t received information about admissions decisions for Putney but I know that it’ll come out at some point, so there’s no real need to worry about that lol

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the timing thread isn’t showing up for me anymore

i agree i’m definitely more calm

