The Official M10 2021 Freakout Thread

To give some words of encouragement all of you are perfectly fine for being scared and nervous but whatnot but be sure to still be proud of yourself for applying in the first place. After going through this process for two years I can confidently say that you don’t really feel much later. Once again good luck to everyone!!


good luck, u got this!!


i love that this thread is full of theories and detectives lmao

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I started watching One Piece to distract myself and now I am almost at the 500th episode

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Also, confirmed time on Exeter: 8 am EST on m10

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from who?

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Admissions office :))


I called them and asked and the lady on the other end told me 8 am so I’m almost certain it’s accurate


woahhh cooool
one piece has 500 eps? i never knew that lmao

Does anyone know when Loomis might release their decisions? They haven’t given us a time!

idk since i didnt apply, but i highly recommend keeping tabs on the decision released timing thread: Prep School 2021 Decision Release Timing
people update it as soon as they get news. quite useful.

gl to everyone!

you should add it to the timing thread if it isn’t there already

Anyone applying for 11th grade? I’m just curious and I called Exeter and apparently, the acceptance rate ranges from 2 to 4 percent for 11th grade.

i think there are some, but they might not be active rn.

woahh the stats are scary. gl to u and everyone else!

I got the notification of package delivery from Exeter. Keeping my fingers crossed! Good luck, everyone!


bruh nice! keeping my fingers crossed for u too!

congrats! what shipping company?

Danggg, nice!!

OMG CONGRATS!!! Waiting is killing me, and I already deleted my account like 30 minutes ago.

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FedEx, scheduled delivery 8 pm on M10