The Official M10 2022 Freakout Thread

congratulations!! that’s really exciting!

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is there a class of 2026 group on cc? i really want a badge in the corner of my pfp :skull:

I posted this last year, thought I would re-post. As PP stated, love the school that loves you back!

Hi Everybody. I have been reading along while you all “freak out” for the past few days. I am a parent, and I was in your shoes last year. Let’s just say that M10 did NOT go how my son or I thought it would. He applied to 4 schools, all as a day student and needing about half FA. We anticipated 1 rejection and 3 acceptances (he was a highly recruited athlete). What actually happened was 1 rejection (Andover), 2 waitlists (Brooks and Middlesex, the 2 schools that heavily recruited him for his sport) and 1 acceptance (Pingree School, where he is currently a freshman). We were completely stunned at the waitlists, and were devastated as our son, in his mind, was already seeing himself at Brooks or Middlesex. After a few days the shock wore off, and he started to get excited about Pingree (a nearby day school). After a couple weeks, Brooks and Middlesex were a distant memory. So, moral of the story- even if tomorrow does not go how you want it to, or are expecting it to, you WILL end up where you belong. You WILL succeed. And a year from now, you can help other kids who will be in your shoes. Good luck to all.


Thanks for sharing! So true.

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What time does Groton portal open? From last year it looks like 5pm but didn’t know if anyone heard same or different for this year?

Good luck to those waiting. We found out today my son was waitlisted at the school he applied to. He only applied to one, his sister is there (so that’s why we found out early). Will be crossing our fingers and waiting in limbo for a while longer.

I’m so sorry for your son. Waitlists are tough. Like you said, waiting in limbo with fingers crossed. Hoping he gets good news soon!


I’m so sorry to hear this, I thought for sure he’d get an acceptance. Unfortunately, application numbers are insane this year, so all of these schools have to make very tough decisions.

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I am sorry to hear. My ds has a sibling legacy at one of the schools we are applying to as well. But that’s very disappointing.

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Any reasons for massive influx in applicants?

I could pretty much say the same. Two years ago, Kiddo2 was waitlisted at her first choice, and rejected from her second choice. She ended up admitted to 2 schools, neither of which she loved. She stayed on the waitlist for her first choice, but on April 10th, had to make a decision between the two acceptances and she did so without looking back. Turns out, it all worked out exactly as it should. Despite having a rough freshman year due to covid restrictions, she is absolutely thriving at her BS and we all know she ended up exactly where she needed to be. She has truly become a strong independent person and we couldn’t be happier with who she is today.

Kiddo2 is likely to be disappointed tomorrow as well. Had we known how crazy this application cycle would be, we would have added more schools to his list. Regardless of tomorrow’s outcome though, I am so confident it will all work out just they way it should.


I’d guess covid shut downs. We have friends who never would have considered sending their child to BS, but because their child lost so much schooling in the past two years, they knew they needed a better option.

I’m sure this has been asked before – but do schools send waitlisted applicants packages as well? Thanks!

pretty sure only acceptances

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No, they only send packages to acceptances.

Was told 11% acceptance. Not sure if that was just for Freshmen or overall.

I think our kids have a sibling legacy at the same school. I really wonder how helpful it is going to be this year.

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Oh my god, that is a horrifying number!

Not surprised at all based on the other rates we’ve seen so far.

I believe Groton advises at 12:01am.

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