The Official M10 2022 Freakout Thread

Venting: my kiddo keeps sending me screenshots from IG of school posts with admissions swag ready to go out. Kiddo is so excited seeing these. These schools are likely rejecting 80-85% of these excited applicants. This feels like an unnecessary addition to the process. They already gave the hard sell during the tour/interview and will soon have the opportunity to do so for accepted students, let it rest.


I’m happy my daughter isn’t on IG regularly and doesn’t know about the FedEx and UPS tracking alerts. It’s taken a bit of the pressure off. We don’t live in a place where a lot of kids apply to BS so I don’t think she is aware of a lot of the anxiety with applying. We approached it as her chances are very similar to being told she is going to the moon or win the lottery. Although she is incredibly well qualified she is well aware of the odds.


Looking at our fedex and UPS notifications I think DD will be disappointed. They gave us the feeling that she was going to be accepted everywhere. Everyone was so nice! All we heard was ‘she is a great fit’
Who knows! Fingers crossed that the notification isnt anything to read into

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Do some schools use DHL though ? I see no way to get DHL info. There’s at least one school I feel fairly optimistic about that there’s no info on.

No one told my son he was a great fit, but he has one package coming out of the many he applied to. I feel optimistic about some other schools, so I don’t think anything is certain until tomorrow.
And, the package is coming from a school that did not send any hand written notes or a Christmas card. Keep the faith!


Agreed. I see one package and it was the school that seemed least excited.


Also, I just received a notice from UPS that made my heart pound…turns out it’s an athletic cup ordered for my son months ago that was backordered…to be delivered tomorrow! I think I’ll hand him that one first to keep the mood light :laughing:


Does anyone know what time the packages tend to arrive?

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Question: Do any schools hide the tracking info?

Seems that your DD was also a CDB finalist so I would say that for sure these are acceptance packages for her! Congrats!!!


Thank goodness mine is clueless about being able to track packages!

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Mine too. She is on a field trip out of state. The only condition she had was that she wants to open all the emails :frowning:

No packages for me… Well, I don’t know what I was expecting anyway… Guess M10 won’t be a great day for me. :frowning:

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Take a pause and breathe deeply. All of this talk about packages being a preview of what school applicants think they are getting an acceptance from tomorrow is speculation. Just because you haven’t gotten any package notification does NOT mean anything other than you haven’t gotten a package notification :slight_smile: Keep focused on what you can control best- your own mindset. Good luck for M10, I hope it’s better than you can imagine!


I haven’t posted before and am completely new to this BS process with my DD. But thought this might help for those talking about not receiving notifactions around swag boxes. I think this would apply to schools as senders when shipping. So no notification does not necessarily mean bad news.


I totally agree about not worrying about package delivery. It is absolutely NOT definitive as to whether you will or won’t get accepted.

I know it’s hard, but just wait until you get the email/can check the portal. That’s the only thing that matters, not whether you are going to receive a package from Fedex, UPS, USPS, DHL.

Sorry, there’s actually one thing that DOES matter more: you will be fine no matter what. The world is full of people who are successful who never went to a boarding school or a “top school”.

One thing that I learned on CC is to “love the school that loves you.” March 10, or whatever the date is, will not make your life. At most, it’s a stepping stone. And stepping stones can lead in many directions. It’s what you make of that journey and where it takes you.

Good luck to all! But keep things in total perspective.


To all of you who are freaking out or just waiting…

Enjoy today. Everything is still possible. Be grateful for the opportunity to have been given a chance to think through who you are, who you want to be, and what environment might be best for that transformation. Most students will just march from their middle school to their high school. You have been given the gift of imagining your own future. Wherever you end up – even if it’s not at BS -’ you have created a road map for next 3 or 4 years. Celebrate the work you did and the courage you have in putting yourself out there.

Be grateful that you have parents who support your educational aspirations. Many do not.

Remember that schools accept students they think will thrive in their environment. You may get turned down because they felt that you would not be happy there (even if you disagree!) But you may get turned down because they just didn’t have the $ for your FA, because they already had kids with your attributes, etc. You won’t know. Don’t spend a lot of time worrying over options you don’t have. Love the school that loves you.

Here’s hoping everyone gets some news tomorrow that excites them. And maybe some ice cream too!


Sigh… re-adding this because I somehow deleted it above (can you tell I’m new at this? Tried to edit and poof) … Short summary of what was posted… Lack of shipping notifactions does not automatically mean bad news. Good luck everyone.


I hope you are right!


Got an acceptance (with solid FA) into a school I really liked tonight! Super happy!!! Hopefully the first batch of good news :partying_face:!