The Only College Fencing Recruiting Thread You Need to Read

DS was advised by the coach to respectfully decline the interview. I think that’s exactly the way he worded it in the email. Something like, “Thank you so much for reaching out, but I’ve been advised by the coach that I should decline the interview”…yada yada yada. He has a friend that did it anyway and enjoyed the interview, but DS is rather introverted and pleased as punch that he didn’t have to do it. That being said, he would not have declined if the coach hadn’t advised him to do so.

@chelsea465 Instead of having the athlete respectfully decline the interview, would it be better for the coach to ask the AO not to assign an alum to the athlete for an interview? I would assume that the coach has good relationship with the AO and could make such request. Or not?

@EmptyNester2016: For another data point, my daughter was offered alumni interview and chose to do it. I think it helped her feel even better about her choice of school to ED to…

My son was offered an alumna interview, accepted, and enjoyed and learned from the interview. All a few weeks after his LL. As an alumni interviewer myself (different school) these are more for the ‘social network’ than they are an evaluation. Hence, the same reasons for such interviews whether one has a LL or not.

@chelsea465 I was always told that if an Ivy school wasn’t able to schedule an interview because they just didn’t have enough alumna to get to everyone, then not having an interview isn’t going to harm your chances of being admitted. However, I’m not too sure of actually having to decline (even “respectfully”) an interview, if it will be looked upon unfavorably by the AO.

In the case of our fencer, the school required an on campus interview with an AO officer, then at another time with a regional alumna interviewer, before the LL was given. However, perhaps your coach and school is different and really doesn’t require an alumna interview.

There may be differences among the schools with the way this is viewed; I have never heard of anyone actually declining one of these interviews (certainly with most candidates it would be a black mark, although recruits who are already all but in are obviously in a different category). Most alumni who do this really enjoy the experiences (I have been one myself) rather than seeing it as a burden. I agree with @Trudy2018 that if the interview wasn’t needed, either the school or the coach should have asked that it not be set up in the first place. With an LL in hand, I would guess that the interview would be unlikely to change the outcome but in general I would think it is better to gracefully accept and meet with the alumn. It’s a way to both gain information and show enthusiasm and commitment. Learning to interview is also a good skill set so maybe this is an opportunity to try that out? FWIW, my son had an alumni interview after the LL was received and had a very positive experience.

There isn’t a downside IMO. Your child isn’t going to have a LL rescinded because of an awkward conversation. This is an opportunity to meet someone familiar with the school and cares enough to stay connected as an Alumn. Worst case, could be insightful.

@Trudy2018 Right?! It was a rather awkward situation, the interview offer coming in after the coach had said to decline if they were contacted for an interview. All fine in the end, but to be clear, it was on the instructions of the coach.

For those who’ve not yet seen it, there was an article in The Boston Globe over the weekend about the recruiting / admissions scandal involving Harvard’s Fencing team.

I’m having trouble posting a “live” link, but the title of the article is “At Harvard, an admissions scandal that unfolded out in the open.” It’s currently one of the most-read pieces on the Globe’s web site.

That article is crazy. Mostly crazy because those kids seem to have been ultra qualified, with every legal advantage anyway.

Hello there – does anyone have a link to live results or video for the U Penn Invitational this weekend? Thanks!

@happyfarmergirl: Penn hasn’t posted any links that I know of and I don’t think they use any more.

This is a good example of when it pays to be like GoT’s Varys…with a network of informants. I’m planning on attending for a round or two, FWIW.

Another good resource would be CollegeFencing360’s Twitter feed. The editor usually covers the bigger NCAA meets.

Thank you SevenDad! If you see any links to live results, please post here. My freshman fencer will be too excited to remember to text me! Good luck to your athlete!

CF360 has been very quiet this season - no composite schedule and no tweets since NCAAs in March. The network of informants may be the best way to go.

@happyfarmergirl - Not sure whether your fencer’s team prohibits electronic devices at the strip, but I like that policy. Unlike USA Fencing events, where friends are all over the convention center, at NCAA dual meets, teammates really should be cheering each other on, scouting opponents, strip coaching, etc.

Not sure about the electronics policy but my kid will be fencing and cheering, texting parents will be the last priority! Good luck to all fencers at the Invitational this weekend.

In addition to CF360, you can follow all of the schools that are participating in the tournament. Many of them have already been active on Twitter and Instagram this morning, and several of them will probably provide updates throughout the course of the day. (You can always unfollow them at day’s end, if you don’t want to see their posts going forward.)

NCAA teams have started producing more and more social media content as it increases the visibility of the teams and engagement with their fans, enhances recruiting and fundraising, etc. Some of these social media posts may be of particular interest to high school students as they provide a window into team culture - especially when the social media accounts are managed by student-athletes, rather than the coaching staff. (My sense is that there’s been a shift toward “professional” management in recent years. Coaches and athletic directors want to control the message. But that hasn’t stopped team members from forming private groups, accounts, etc. to share photos, GIFs, video clips, inside jokes…)

Anyone live at the Elite Invitational? Or, have any idea what’s happening? Daughters first collegiate meet. Wanted her to have this moment with her team…but wish I was there now…

My kid’s first event, too! I spent over an hour trying to find live results, no success. Good luck to your fencer!

Same here. Kid’s first college event. Wishing it’s an exciting and memorable experience for all the first years! Fencers and coaches alike.

Thank you @happyfarmergirl. Good luck to your’s as well!