the "OR" game!

<p>haha even stanford's caught on to the OR game.. how funny!</p>

<p>hmmm daddy's credit card!!!!</p>

<p>pink or purple?</p>

<p>Pink. Definitely.</p>

<p>The Simpsons or Seinfeld?</p>


<p>Knee or ankle (SOCKS!!!)?</p>


<p>sweet or savory?</p>


<p>NYC or LA</p>


<p>Fire or ice</p>


<p>Natural or Artificial?</p>


<p>laughing or sneezing</p>


<p>chinese food or pizza?</p>


<p>Xbox or PS2.... or even GameCube?</p>

<p>Xbox...Halo RULES...</p>

<p>Mario Kart or Super Smash Bros.?</p>

<p>Mario Kart definitely. I dominate the N64 version, especially as Yoshi or Wario.</p>

<p>Gabrielle or Edie? (on Desparate Housewives...)</p>

<p>Gabrielle definitely</p>

<p>aristotle or socrates?</p>


<p>Sean Connery or Roger Moore?</p>


<p>hamlet or macbeth?</p>

Chopin or Beethoven?</p>


<p>ok let's stop trying to be all "educated" now..</p>

<p>dogs or cats?</p>


<p>rock or jazz?</p>


<p>Kirk or Picard?</p>

<p>what are u talking about? chopin rocks!... and who the hell is kirk or picard?</p>