The Oscar Slap

You make a good point.

I have a question for all the alopecia experts here. In trying to become more informed about the condition I’ve googled images of people who suffer from this condition and saw lots of completely smooth bald patches and people with sparse wisps of hair, again between completely smooth bald patches.

I genuinely believed (not being an intense follower of hers) that Jada PS had shaved her head. I’ve seen many images of famous and not so famous black women who have chosen to do so and thought it was one among many style options. I also remember Oprah W saying that after over processing, her hair had all broken off and how embarrassed she was while growing it back.

At the Oscars, Jada PS had short hair stubble with no patches I could see and her head in no way resembled the people I’ve seen irl with alopecia, nor did it look like the online photos. I’m not doubting that she has suffered from some form of the condition at some point but by just looking at her in photos I would never have guessed she hadn’t just chosen to wear her hair that way and I found it completely believable that she might actually be preparing to star in a remake of GI Jane.

Is there a form of alopecia resulting in very short but visible hair all over the head?


There are various types of alopecia. Some involve very distinct bald spots. Some involve general thinning all over. Others are transient, due to a recent virus (Covid 19 has been causing this), a very stressful event like a death in the family or divorce, chronic extreme stress, etc., and it eventually grows back. Some result in complete and total loss of hair that is either transient or permanent.

It may be that she regrows, then it begins to fall out again. She may have just gotten sick and tired of the emotional toll it takes.


WS resigned from the Academy.


Patel may be mad at Questlove too! Who knows. They seem to have been warned the night before that Chris Rock was going to say that (if reports are correct). There were tons of producers on that documentary but the number that actually can get the Oscar is limited . All of the 4 eligible to actually receive the Oscar were named by the announcer ( I think) but Questlove was the one to speak. He didn’t mention any offense at the joke in his speech. He went on Fallon the next night and Patel certainly didn’t come up.

I am biased. I really like Questlove and watch Fallon pretty regularly and I also like Chris Rock. I never disliked Will Smith but I didn’t pay a whole lot of attention to him before this either. I had intended to watch King Richard, but I’m in no hurry now.

Wow, interesting development about Will Smith and the Academy!


I have to say I do have empathy for Will Smith, despite what he did. He humiliated himself in front of his peers and an international audience. I hope he does have support and someone to talk to about all this, as I’m sure he’s in a bad place right now.


3…2…1. I see rehab in the future. Then a big apology and hopefully for his pr firm, redemption.


Will Smith resigning from AMPAS is akin to saying, “You can’t fire me, I quit.”

But interestingly it brings up analogies with another Chris Rock joke. After Jada said she would not attend the 2016 Oscars to protest the lack of diversity in the nominees, CR, who was the host that year, joked at the ceremony, “Jada boycotting the Oscars is like me boycotting Rihanna’s panties. I wasn’t invited.”


If WS can come back from this, I would imagine his PR people will be in high demand.

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The slap was troubling. But what bothered me even more was the total lack of remorse. Well, until his PR people stepped in. Has WS even privately apologized to CR yet?

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On a programming note, SNL returns from hiatus this week. I’m looking forward to see their PoV.


In his first gig after the Oscars, Chris Rock said he had not spoken to WS. Don’t know if that has changed.


At this point it is all a calculated PR plan, so not counting on any kind of actual sincerity or realism going forward. “I am heartbbroken” was a bit much for me - PR sympathy play in full swing.


Without a direct, personal apology, a public apology via social media is just for show and PR.


Resigning from the academy means he can’t vote in the Oscar nominations and that’s about it. It doesn’t mean he can’t be nominated again.


Sounds like an “I heard you were about to fire me, so I quit” kind of thing.


Or handled it privately instead of millions of people. Sounds like he’s paying the price, at least somewhat with what sounds like a forced resignation from the Academy. What a dumb thing he did.

The more this story has traction in the press, the better Chris Rock looks and the worse Will Smith’s actions become.

Chris Rock sounds like the pro he is.


I don’t know. It all seems out of place and very weird which is why it’s a matter of discussion.

I like my son’s reaction…“It’s not like any drinking occurred before the Oscar’s, right?”

And with that, I’m letting it rest. Will and Chris and the Academy and all those other people I don’t care about can figure this out. I have a refrigerator to defrost.


Which is why I said earlier that I feel that Will Smith will seek some sort of treatment to rehabilitate his image.

And totally agree that this topic has received an over abundance of attention.

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