The Oscar Slap

Chris Redd played Will Smith before on SNL(2018) in a Fresh Prince parody.

There were jokes relating to the “slap” on the Grammy’s last night. This is going to follow Will Smith for a long, long time.


People are still referring to Kanye taking the mic from Taylor Swift years ago. I’m surprised no one has referred to Will Smith as out-Kanye-ing Kanye


Jimmy Kimmel did: “Even Kanye was like, ‘you went on stage and did what at the award show?’”


Paraphrasing Kimmel - even Kanye was like “ you went on stage and did what?!”

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I didn’t watch the Grammys but I saw the clip of Trevor Noah saying “we’re going to keep people’s names out of our mouths” :rofl: Good advice anywhere and anytime really.

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Thanks for that. I hadn’t seen the clip but did watch it, and rewatched Chris Redd’s brilliant rendition of Ye visiting Trump in the Oval Office a few years ago. Both are “NSFCC” (not suitable for CC), putting aside that my post containing these clips would get hidden for being off-topic!

Redd’s Will Smith and “The Slap” is simply sublime. Just having the “Seat Fillers” as the protagonists was a masterstroke, showing how ridiculous and dangerous “The Slap” really was when contrasted with normal and acceptable behavior.

I think I’m gonna’ watch it again!


That’s part of what is so troubling to me about this whole thing. A major star, major night of his life and still totally loses it in a major way at a major event. Just bizarre. And he got away with it initially. He is paying the price with his reputation and brand though.

Violence seems to be escalating in many places. It’s been awhile but I have been known to back out of a place if I see people arguing. You just don’t know if someone is packing a weapon and can take an argument to a crazy level. For this kind of escalation to happen at the Academy Awards is just nuts.


Excellent point. It was so bizarre, I thought it had to be faked.

Yes, violence seems to be far more common.

Did anyone see Tiffany Haddish interview at the Grammys? The interviewer misspoke ( I guess) and talked about a “costume change”instead of “wardrobe change”. An overreaction followed , but at least no slap involved. But jeez, settle down.
She was one of the few who supported Will Smith on social media.

She’s the loony one, IMO, she mentioned that Jada Smith should pay special attention to Will Smith at home after the slap.
My husband didn’t turn on to see the Grammys, I think he had enough of all the awards.

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Tiffany was interviewed at the Oscars (I think):

[quote]“I’m not wearing a costume. I’m wearing Dolce & Gabbana, ” Tiffany responded to Lauren’s question. “It’s called an evening gown darling. No one’s paying me for this. I paid for it. It’s custom. Thank you.”

While Tiffany responded, Lauren playfully bent herself backwards and looked around. Her reaction seemed to be highlighting her embarrassment. After Tiff’s correction, Lauren said “time of death for me right now.” She followed up with, “you look gorgeous.”[/quote]

Don’t really see it as an overreaction.

I just thought she came across as highly obnoxious.


Smith handled it with all the maturity and class of a grade schooler. It was a tasteless offensive joke that wasn’t funny, but seriously, have some social grace!

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Grade schoolers have more maturity


Jim Carrey is kind of out there these days, and he has himself displayed problematic behavior, but I agree with him that the standing O Will Smith received the same night he assaulted Chris Rock while the cameras were rolling was “sickening.” That surprised me almost as much as the slap itself.


Turning this around - a 12 year old shot to death another 12 year old at school in our area last week. I read a rumor it was because he had been bullied by him. I’m assuming he didn’t see any other way to respond to cruel comments (maybe more, I don’t know) than violence. Just like WS but a gun rather than a hand. Although a little different because he was "defending " himself against the comments (maybe more?) not another adult who is perfectly capable of defending herself. People are going to say there were other ways that child could have responded. I’m hoping these aren’t the same people praising WS for “defending his wife.”

WS has been banned from attending any Academy events for 10 years.



It’s a good start -


Will who? Who is this Will character you keep talking about?