<p>Take this test, then total up your score (your "perfect-application index") and post it.
--Feel free to post improvements to the test, etc. This test probably has balance issues. Major balance issues. :) And I've probably left out some things since I'm mostly a math/science kid.</p>
1) Your UW GPA is
(a) under 3.0 (+0 points)
(b) 3.0-3.5 (+2 points)
(c) 3.5-3.8 (+5 points)
(d) 3.8-4.0 (+10 points)</p>
<p>2) Your old SAT score is
(a) < 1100 (-1 points)
(b) 1100-1250 (+2 points)
(c) 1250-1400 (+5 points)
(d) 1400-1500 (+8 points)
(e) 1500-1600 (+10 points)</p>
<p>3) You are ranked
(a) #1, baby! (+10 points)
(b) #2-#10 (+8 points)
(c) top 5% (+5 points)
(d) top 10% (+2 points)</p>
<p>4) Your average SAT II score is
(a) <650 (+0 points)
(b) 650-700 (+3 points)
(c) 700-750 (+5 points)
(d) 750-780 (+7 points)
(e) 780-799.999999999 (+9.9999999999 points)
(f) 800, what'd you think it was? (+10 points)</p>
<p>1) You have taken more than 2 APs in your high school career. (+3 points)
2) You have taken more than 6 APs in your high school career. (+5 points, stacks with above)
3) You have taken more than 10 APs in your high school career. (+3 points, stacks)
4) You're going for the IB diploma. (+10 points)
5) You have 4s and 5s on all your AP exams. (+5 points)
6) You have 5s on all your AP exams. (+5 points)
7) You're a National AP Scholar. (+5 points)
8) You're an AP Scholar With Distinction. (+2 points)
9) By the end of senior year, you will have taken (note: these all stack)
--Calculus AB/Calc I (+1)
--Calc BC/Calc II (+1)
--Multivariable Calculus/Calc III (+1)
--(Ordinary) Differential Equations (+1)
--Linear Algebra (+1)
--Real Analysis (+2)
--Complex Analysis (+2)
--Number Theory (+1)
--Graph Theory (+2)
--Abstract Algebra (+2)
--Other higher math courses (+2 for each. Bonus points if your parents and friends didn't know they existed before you took them. More bonus points if you still have friends.)
--Both AP Physics Cs (+2)
--AP Chemistry (+2)
--AP Biology (+2)
--AP English of either type (+2)
--AP US History (+1)
--AP World History (+1)
--AP European History (+1)
10) You've taken mostly AP/honors classes throughout high school. (+3)
11) Your courseload is considered "most demanding." (+5)</p>
<p>1) You have over 200 hours of community service. (+5 points)
2) You have under 20 hours of community service. (-2 points)
3) You are an officer of a club. (+10 points)
4) You are an officer of more than one club. (+5 points total, stacks with above)
5) You are in fewer than two clubs, and have little involvement in either. (-5 points)
6) One of your main ECs as stated on the application was
--CollegeConfidential (-10 points)
--Your internship at writemyessays.com (-30 points)
--Procrastination (-20 points)
--The Ku Klux Klan (-40 points)
7) You have worked in a lab. (+5 points)
8) You have worked with professors at your first-choice school. (+5 points)
9) They wrote you a good recommendation. (+5 points)
10) They wrote you a bad recommendation. (-30 points)
11) You have published a paper. (+10 points)
12) ...In a reputable journal. (+10 points)
13) ...As first author. (+10 points)
14) ...In Nature or Science. (+100000 points, and a professorship at MIT)
15) You play a sport. (+2 points)
16) You are nationally ranked in a sport. (+15 points)
17) You are nationally ranked in more than one sport. (+10 for each)
18) You have done something since you were three and are prepared to write an essay detailing how great it is and how passionate you are about it. (+5)</p>
1) You have qualified for AIME. (+5)
2) You have scored >5 on the AIME. (+5, stacks with above)
3) You have scored >9 on the AIME. (+5, stacks)
4) You have qualified for USAMO. (+10, stacks with above)
5) ...Using the index. (+ bragging rights)
6) ...While in eighth grade. (+ more bragging rights)
7) You have qualified for the national round of any of the other science olympiads (i.e. USPhO, USChO, USABO, US Informatics Olympiad) (+20 for each)
8) You are nationally ranked in anything else (not including sports). (+20 for each)
9) You have been to any of the Olympiad study camps (MOSP, etc.) (+10 for each)
10) ...and went to IMO/IPhO/IChO, etc. (+5 for each)
11) ...and won medals. (+10 for each)
9) You have been to TASP. (+10)
10) You have been to RSI/MITES (+10)
11) ...and are applying to MIT. (+10)
12) You have done NIH. (+5)
13) You have been to Mathcamp/HCSSiM/SUMaC/Ross/PROMYS (+5 per program)
14) You have been to WTP, SSP, CCIS, that Cornell program, or HSHSP. (+5 per program)</p>
<p>1) You are physically disabled in some way and/or overcame enormous obstacles to get to where you were today. You identify yourself with the protagonist of *The Pursuit of Happyness.<a href="+10">/i</a>
2) You are mentally ill, and mentioned it in your application (randint(-10, +10), does not stack with above)
3) You are a good writer. (+2)
4) You have won local writing contests. (+5)
5) You have won national writing contests. (+20)
6) Your essay was stolen off the Internet. (-100)
7) In your essays, you refer to Harvard as "MIT." (-5)</p>
<p>1) Your recommenders have told you you're the best student they've seen in ten years. (+10)
2) Your recommenders loathe your guts. (-10)
3) Your recommenders tried to get out of writing your recommendation. (-5)
4) Your recommenders are good writers. (+5)
5) Your recommenders haven't written recommendations for college before. (-2)
6) Your recommenders give you gifts on your birthday. (+5)
7) At least one of your recommenders is a professor who has taught and/or mentored you. (+2)
8) Your guidance counselor knows your name. (+2)
9) Your guidance counselor likes you. (+5)</p>
1) You are
- Female (+2)
- Black/Hispanic/Native American/other URM (+5, +10 if Native American)
- Asian (-2)
2) You're a legacy at your first-choice school. (+10)
3) You're a recruited athlete. (+10)
4) You will be under 16 when you enter college. (-1)</p>