<p>136... more than good enough for georgia tech... and re blairt, females are minorities at engineering schools, which is what the original post seemed majorly geared towards...</p>
<p>153 - bleh...</p>
<p>i got a 47. i think i might have counted wrong.</p>
<li>I thought it would be lower, actually.</li>
<p>Why is female +2? It's only a plus at MIT, Caltech, and their ilk. It's definitely not helpful at LACs, and even a lot of large universities have heavily stacked male/female ratios.</p>
<p>52 and I'm going to Notre Dame (also got into UCLA, UNC, BC,)</p>
<p>I posted on page 7 and got a 51 (a year ago) lulz</p>
<p>Being URM is at least +30 if legacy is +10.</p>
<p>My school only offers 2 AP's and I've never even heard of most of those honors/award type things. And I have zero interest in math/science, so my awards have been in debate and art, mostly. Oh well, it was a fun test.</p>
<p>The publishing in a reputable journal/magazine should most definitely have a higher point value.</p>
<p>112.9999999, lol. Thought it would be lower >></p>
<p>Haha only 117, but what's up with the AIME emphasis...I never heard of it until this year...:(</p>
<li>Anyone who beats that wins.</li>
<p>238--yea probably because of the publishing---definitely not accurate but it was fun adding/subtracting the numbers! thanks for giving me something to do while i procrastinate haha. btw-being asian sucks.</p>
<p>Lol, 97 ignoring the language post.</p>
<p>141, go math!</p>