The Perfect SAT Critical Reading Formula?

<p>Is a combination of Direct Hits (volume 1+2), All 8 practice tests on the blue book, and the critical reading part of rocket review (plus the practice test on the back of the book) enough to increase my reading score to 500 to 600 in one month?</p>

<p>I plan to study direct hits for 2 hours a day
study RR for 1.5 hours a day
and take a practice test from the blue book every weekend (and review all the answers and questions)</p>

<p>I'm in 7th grade (in CTY of course) and I plan to push myself hard so that I can go from a 500(my horrible SAT score I got on a practice test) to a 600 in exactly 30 days. Could it be done? Or is there any other book I should review?</p>


<p>You really need to relax. You are in 7th grade, enjoy your life. You are freaking out over a SAT score you received in 7th grade.</p>

<p>I’m just going to tell you what everyone else is going to say: </p>

<p>You’re in 7th grade. You plan to study for the SAT for 3.5 hours a day and take a 4 hour practice test every weekend? Whatever happened to enjoying life before HS? Your preparation materials look good, but I warn you that you’re going to burn out if you take on this schedule.</p>

<p>Just read books. </p>


<p>wow 3.5 hours a day? That’s a ton. I think an hour a day would be enough…</p>

<p>You Sir are wasting your life away if you study 3.5 hours a day…that is the real definition of “no life.” One hour max, but dude chill and enjoy your young life before high school. I can understand if you start 8th grade, but 7th grade man…</p>

<p>i took the sat for that talent search in 7th grade. result 1240/1600. the next year i did much better with a 2080/2400. i didn’t prep for either. in fact, i never looked at any prep materials until the middle of 10th grade. and i still got a 2370 SAT in october and a 240 PSAT. you can get a mediocre score in 7th grade but still go on to ace the SAT later on…chill out!</p>

<p>1240 is no mediocre score. in fact that’s pretty much where the OP is aiming.</p>

<p>OMG get a life… 7th grade ,3.5 hours ???If you were at grade 10 or 11 ok but now ?Forget the SAT,get a girlfriend,have fun with you friends…</p>