<p>I mean I started studying the Barron<code>s book, and I got to chapter 7 or somethings then I took the sample test. It was really hard because I didn</code>t understand most of the concepts since they were in English. I think my raw score was about 29, how much is that? I<code>ll take the next month test, and I have no idea how am I going to make the 29 a 65. The same thing is for Math but I think but Math is easier because questions are easier to understand, and they don</code>t need students to know a lot about the terminology and stuff in English.</p>
<p>Thread title wins. ha</p>
<p>There should be a chart in the book that shows you how much the raw score would be.</p>
<p>You could consider getting a tutor, if the books hard to understand.</p>
<p>lol Physics
anyway, the book is not that hard, but I can`t do it in less than three weeks.</p>
<p>uhm… ive been preparing physics using youtube user KhanAcademy’s videos. they’re very good.im plannign to take it in jan,and i feel underprepared still~~</p>
<p>check em out,might b helpful</p>