<p>I am really interested in applying for an illustration and/or even a writing position in the Pitt News. Does anyone have experience with the application process or tips? I have almost all of it completed. However, regarding the requested resume - should I put only relevant work/education experience or a full resume? That and any other information will be greatly appreciated. It's an awesome opportunity and I'd love to try it.</p>
<p>Thanks for reading and for any replies you may have!</p>
<p>I’ve never worked for TPN but here’s what I know secondhand:</p>
<p>–They’re really strict about deadlines and the office can be a pretty stressful place
–Their reporting sometimes sucks (A different news group once broke a major story before TPN, which TPN then re-circulated without giving any due credit. Classy.)
–I think they require you to take writing classes before you can write for them (I had a friend with an AWESOME photo-resume who applied for their open photography spot, he got all the way to the interview session before they turned him down simply because he had never taken the photojournalism class at Pitt.)</p>
<p>With that in mind, I know the Editor of the Opinions section, he’s a cool guy and likes it there. It all depends on how you mesh in with the current group of kids who work there, I suppose.</p>
<p>I’m going on four years at the Pitt News now, half of those as an editor. Feel free to PM me if you want to chat - I can definitely answer any questions you have about the paper and what to realistically expect.</p>
<p>AwesomeOpossum, there are no photojournalism classes at Pitt - there’s maybe one through Filmmakers but I’ve never made a hiring decision based upon that class. I’m no longer an editor, though.</p>
<p>No one bothered to tell the (then) head of Photography (head editor? I forget the exact title) at the time then. He was the one who told my friend “no” for not having the class. (Perhaps it was just a regular journalism class? In which case, if you’re a photographer, why…? Oh well.)</p>