<p>This is pretty funny. Unfortunately, much truth to it......</p>
<p>We'll be expecting to hear the wildchild sequel to this next year!!</p>
<p>He already has part of the article up as his AIM away message!</p>
<p>now THAT is halarious!</p>
<p><strong>lol</strong> Move over Weinstein....wildchild is taking over the job!! Better get his photo ready to put in the heading.</p>
<p>clever and funny......now if only some kid REALLY wrote that for the app essay.....not sure it would go over but it would stand out!</p>
<p>EVERYTIME our kids have to write an essay (or poem) for their classes, they insist that the changes that we recommend are too "suck up" and "B.S". We tell them that they have to give the teachers what they want to hear/read. Should it surprise us that the college app essays should be any different. Tickle their ears and laugh all the way to grad night.... and then to the bank.</p>
<p>Wild Child wrote one of his Chicago essays (I think it was your favorite book or something like that) about Tucker Max, who is despised by the Chicago administration (and most other adults on the planet). It was really a very clever essay, but it was risky. He was accepted, so I guess it was OK. His main essay had something to do with White Castle hamburgers.</p>
<p>ROFL with tears in eyes. Perfect timing, as DS and I just completed the essay process Second Time Around for transfer apps due to Tulane's Engineering Phase-out. He has seven essays in the can. Finished the last two in the airport and on the plane down to New Orleans. I thought they were pretty okay until I read this one. If only he'd seen this before writing, perhaps he would have been more inspired. </p>
<p>Or paralyzed with laughter :p.</p>
<p>I've been wondering how the admissions people would feel about an essay like this:</p>
<p>"Page left purposefully blank to allow admissions counselor to take a break from reading yet one more boring essay about why a student wants to attend Your University."</p>
<p>I can't imagine reading hundreds (thousands?) of essays over a few weeks and maintaining any degree of sanity.</p>
<p>I thought mentioning the hoagies and cheesesteaks available in Phila was a good idea. One could write an ode to Pat's or Rizzo's or some of the other memorable restaurants.</p>
<p>EllenF - Would you sue us for copyright infraction if DS lifted your pithy essay for a <em>few</em> schools whose "Why You" essay he hasn't yet composed? </p>
<p>Anyway, you gave me another LOL moment which I sorely need. :D</p>