The Rice forum deserves a game, too!


<p>Halloween or Thanksgiving?</p>

<p>Oooh, tough one! I'd have to go with Thanksgiving. It reminds me that Christmas is just around the corner!</p>

<p>Lemon or Lime?</p>


<p>Baker or Brown</p>

<p>Brown. BSWB</p>

<p>Will Rice or Hanszen?</p>

<p>MARTEL! (but really, I would have to go with Will Rice</p>

<p>Martel or Jones?</p>


<p>Jones or Baker?</p>


<p>This is silly.</p>

<p>Tabasco or Pepperdoux?</p>


<p>England or France?</p>


<p>peas or carrots</p>


<p>marines or navy seals?</p>


<p>Einstein or Nobel?</p>

<p>Nobel - he left money for a prize</p>

<p>Chinese or Indian (take out)</p>

<p>Chinese (never had Indian take-out)
tricycle or unicycle?</p>

<p>Trike, I'd prefer to actually be able to use it.</p>

<p>Apricot or Kiwi?</p>


<p>bubble gum flavored gum or mint flavored gum?</p>


<p>Microsoft or Google?</p>


<p>Nasty or straight laced</p>

<p>straight laced.</p>

<p>fake house plants or real house plants?</p>

<p>Fake, I can't keep a real one alive</p>

<p>whiteboards or chalkboards?</p>

<p>whiteboards all the way</p>

<p>mechanics or electricity/magnetism?</p>