The Rice forum deserves a game, too!


<p>Cheese or Pepperoni</p>


<p>UT-Austin or Texas A&M?</p>


<p>italian or latin?</p>

<p>Hmm, that's tough. I'd say Italian.</p>

<p>Paper or plastic?</p>

<p>I was actually gonna ask that. Paper (it's biodegradable and it doubles as a book-cover lol)</p>

<p>Democrat or Republican?</p>


<p>Blue and Gold or Maroon and Gold</p>

<p>Blue and Gold.</p>

<p>EDIT: Although I'd take Burgandy and Gold any day.</p>

<p>Philip Roth or Cormac McCarthy?</p>

<p>Cormac McCarthy</p>

<p>Pro-choice or Pro-life?</p>


<p>Simpsons or Family Guy?</p>

<p>Family Guy</p>

<p>Long grain rice or short grain rice</p>

<p>Long Grain.</p>

<p>Spring Awakening or Rent?</p>