The rumors of Chemistry!!!

<p>I hear at the academy that chemistry is super hard, and that majority of the midshipmen end up in summer school....I haven't been fortunate enough to have descent chem teachers and I struggle with it badly (along with calculus)...I'm like soo scared right now about math and science there, but at the same time I desire to learn....My teachers in HS say that when I go to the academy, the proff's won't help me, and I'm going to have to figure everything out on my own...Is this true?</p>

<p>Yup, the profs aren't there to help you learn. In fact, they probably won't even teach you, they'll just have you read the book and you can guess what's on the exam.</p>

<p>What a stupid question. If you had even an inkling of an idea of the Academy experience, you would realize how stupid you sound.</p>

<p>You ought to be able to figure this out yourself.</p>

<p>basically, no.
chemistry is hard. i hate it. but "the majority of midshipmen" do not end up in summer school, the majority pass. your professors will help you, and there is the midshipmenn group study program and the chemistry resource room to help you. however, if you have a crappy prof, like me both semesters, be prepared to get a lot of extra instruction from anyone you can.</p>

<p>For what it's worth, I have not "been there, done that" however I have supported a mid (English major) through it so I hope what I say may have some value for you.</p>

<p>You are expected to read the material before class and to have a rudimentary understanding of the concepts before class so that you can discuss it. As Smallwood puts it, they do not spoon feed you. However, our mid made it through with the help of EI (extra instruction) from the professors, and to a lesser degree, from the midshipmen study group. He actually got the most help from his classmates, and he helps others with proofreading. Although all are willing to do this, it is up to you to decide whether the time you are spending with whoever is indeed helpful, or if it is just making it harder. Then adjust your plans to make the most of your time.</p>

<p>In Calc he actually had a tutor each semester and he made it through all 3 courses. He became very proactive about signing up for a tutor at the beginning of each semester. He has really enjoyed working with them and they have always written very positive comments about his work ethic, his teachability, and his desire to do well. So, all in all, very positive experiences, despite his initial horror at the idea of having to have a tutor. </p>

<p>Hope this helps to calm some fears! They really do want you to succeed. As the Academic Dean told us at I-Day, "We won't give up on them, if they just won't give up on us." The help is there for a reason, make use of it.</p>

Yup, the profs aren't there to help you learn. In fact, they probably won't even teach you, they'll just have you read the book and you can guess what's on the exam.</p>

<p>What a stupid question. If you had even an inkling of an idea of the Academy experience, you would realize how stupid you sound.</p>

<p>You ought to be able to figure this out yourself.


<p>Hold on! Go easy! It's a legitimate question!</p>

<p>Look, Chemistry is to Plebes what Differential Equations is to Youngsters, EE is to Second-Classmen, and staying awake is for Firsties. ;)</p>

<p>As wheelah said, it's tough, but it's doable, and the professors will (for the most part) help you. Some will actually help, and some will curve the score scale. In my Plebe Year Chemistry class, to get a "D" you had to hit 40%. Anything above a 70% was an "A". I got a "C", but just barely.</p>

<p>Of course, I was in advanced Chemistry. I STILL have no earthly idea WTH that guy was talking about! :confused:</p>

<p>Hey, Wheelah! Are the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse still in residence? ;)</p>

<p>My remarks were more in regards to his other questions, not the one specifically about chemistry.</p>

<p>It sounds like he's going to Annapolis and is now asking if professors will help their students. I've done enough research to write a novel about USAFA, yet some people going don't know what I-Day is.</p>

<p>Sigh, poor children.</p>

<p>He also mispelled "decent" as "descent". Good heavens, Z, what kind of people are they letting in these days?</p>

Good heavens, Z, what kind of people are they letting in these days?


<p>Nervous ones, just like they did back in my day. Difference was, we didn't have this internet thing to ask about our worries.</p>

<p>As for spelling, I'm hardly one to complain. I'm pretty bad, myself. :D</p>

<p>"What a stupid question. If you had even an inkling of an idea of the Academy experience, you would realize how stupid you sound."</p>

<p>you are rude...of cousre i don't have an inkling of the academy experience...i don't even go there yet...and a stupid question is that not asked.....i'm not termbling afraid of chem.....just a bit worried of failing...according a mid some proff won't help....some will..civies and non-civies...and they hate when u miss class due to sports...(which i will be doing) but from what i do know, u can get a personal tutor....a 1/c i know told me that a proff even set up a study time for her on a sunday...but the reason i posed the question about chem was because when i had my recruit visit in feb. mids were all sleeping in class, and the proff talked for the entire hr....i'm smart enough to know how to get help when i need it....but i guess i really should've been smarteron how i posed my question.....that prob will hurt me at the academy? by the way i'm 17 and i'm a girl...but when i get that experience, i'll have to know for myself...thanks hrm taken from your factit gave me insight....God Bless! Go Navy!</p>

<p>You should be worried about passing English. ;)</p>

<p>Some professors are wonderful. Some are what I will politely describe as ***holes. They can be military or non-military, in any subject, in any year.</p>

<p>So you saw Mids asleep in class and the professor going on, eh? GOOD. It's his job to be there, and THEIR job to PAY ATTENTION. Were I he, I'd teach until the last Mid crashed, then I'd simply walk out (had one prof do that once). No skin off my nose.</p>

<p>But hey, that's true in any school. As for missing classes due to sports, that will vary from prof to prof, too, but if you study and make the grades, who cares?</p>

<p>TacticalNuke are you going navy or airforce?</p>

<p>Sparkledust . . . you ask all the "dumb" questions you want.
I validated Chemistry and was fortunate. But, I tell you that I did as much Chemistry homework as many others did. How? Because I helped many others in my company with their homework.</p>

<p>There is plenty of help if you want it. You have to ask for it. Extra instruction or from your fellow mids. You have to ask. But don't make the mistake of just asking w/out having done or tried to do the assigned work. Work hard. I know one guy who is busting his butt to try and pass Chem, but everybody respects him because he is constantly trying, trying, trying. He is not giving up.</p>

<p>Ignore people like [Un]Tactical Nuke. Think about it: He is 19 and calling us children? Give me a break. With his attitude, he should be perfect food for the Cadre.</p>

<p>One recommendation: If you are REALLY worried about it, go out and buy an AP primer on Chemistry or Calculus. Start working on the problems now. Everybody tells you to run, run, run. Good advice. Well, start training your brain too!</p>

<p>Last post for a while; starting the home stretch.</p>

<p>ohhhhhhhh....i see your point now....i'm not at the academy yet...i'm still in high school.....but i'm really excited....alot has changed over the years at all the hmmmmmm.....i'll keep praying</p>

<p>JamTex thanks</p>

<p>"If you had even an inkling of an idea of the Academy experience, you would realize how stupid you sound."</p>

<p>and you have an idea?</p>

<p>"I've done enough research to write a novel about USAFA"</p>

<p>if you haven't gone, then you have no idea what you are talking about. why dont you go to a service academy first before you start calling out other people</p>

<p>Easy, everybody. Some folks just run off at the mouth sometimes.</p>

<p>Ask me how I know! :D</p>

<p>Ya know...I couldn't POSSIBLY imagine how you would know!</p>

<p>sorry, have to add on that i am in agreement. tacticalnuke, this is a forum to help people. go boost your ego somewhere else. and i am not impressed by your "research", and who are you calling "poor children?" zaphod's right, you really are just running off at the mouth. oh, did you check this post over for spelling mistakes??</p>