<p>SO now we get the question we got wrong and correct and percentile online itself on 23rd may.this is from collegeboard.com</p>
<p>The SAT Online Score Report
Along with the new SAT comes a new SAT online score report. The SAT online score report is available free to every student who takes the SATall you need is a collegeboard.com account.</p>
<p>While you'll still receive your SAT score report in the mail, the SAT online score report contains additional features to help you understand your SAT scores.</p>
<p>Benefits of the SAT Online Score Report: </p>
<p>Your SAT scores online anywhereat home and at school
A printable copy of your actual essay response
Useful information about your scores, such as the number of questions that you answered right, wrong, or omitted, the total number of questions, your raw score, and the estimated percentile for college-bound seniors based on the test you took.
Your Score Historyconfirm which SAT tests you've taken and when, your scores, and where you sent them</p>