The State with the most Engineering jobs

<p>Yea i was wondering if anybody knew what state has the most engineering jobs.?????
I heard of California and Texas having the most but im not sure O.o
I live in New york city and it doesn't seem as if there is many engineering jobs here when compared to other states.</p>

<p>If your passion is truly engineering, you will be able to find jobs in NYC, they might not be the hip and cool positions like you'd get in silicon valley but again if your passion is truly engineering, you'll do fine.</p>

<p>Otherwise, you can get a wide variety of jobs with an engineering degree, just make sure that you practice the soft skills as often as possible and know how to market yourself.</p>

<p>But the biggest truth is: you're gonna find out what you like, what you want to do and how to do it as you go through college.</p>

<p>In NYC, you'll find many jobs in civil engineering, mechanical engineering jobs related to building construction, and electrical engineering jobs related to building construction. Some EE's in NYC also choose to work in the financial sector, and there's plenty of those companies around. </p>

<p>It does seem to me that there aren't as many of the other mechE and EE jobs in NYC though. As Kharatos said though, you'll be able to find a job if you're not looking for "hip and cool positions." ChemE jobs, you won't find inside NYC though. There are quite a few in the areas surrounding the city though.</p>