The Summer Supplement Question?

<p>Is this optional? I dont understand what they're looking for? Is it actually an essay or just like a brief list/description of what I've done the last 2 summers? Also, it says to write aobut things already not included in your application. If i already mentioned some stuff i did over the summer in th "avtivities sectioN" am I suppoed to do this?</p>

<p>Someone explan this summer supp question please. I'm hoping i can just do the actual supplement questions</p>

<li>It’s not optional.</li>
<li>Anything you want, really. Something that would tell about yourself and your activities. If you can do this best in a essay, then so be it. (I think they prefer an essay, actually.)</li>
<li>You still have to do the summer thing. Don’t be too repetitive.</li>

<p>Hope that helped.</p>