The Tours, The Journey and the Decisions moving forward

Hello to all of my old peeps on this thread! How are all of your kids doing? Has anyone filled out the FAFSA for 2019/2020? I just did and was stunned that it came back 2.5 times higher than last year despite both kids still being in college. Plus it asked for total assets (401K and retirement accounts) this year where they didn’t ask for that last year. Ugh. I hope this doesn’t impact D’s chance of bumping her merit money for next year…

@spartandrew can you compare the entries on the Fafsa you filled out this year with last year’s? A big discrepancy like that is really strange. I’d go over it again and make sure it’s right.

Good idea…I’ll do that

Duh…I checked. My income was significantly higher last year. I didn’t realize. I get salary and bonus and it was a great bonus year. Yay for me, crap for FAFSA lol. I certainly didn’t expect to get FA but I hope it doesn’t work against her for increasing her merit aid.

Ugh! We had that happen when D16 was starting college. One big, one time, unusual income boost, and it was the year that was counted twice on FAFSA. We were glad our kids’ aid was all merit or it would have been a big financial aid mess.

@SpartanDrew Do they reaudition for scholarships every year? Is it normal for that to change? As in, can you ask for more?

Just curious as my D doesn’t take loans, so we haven’t filed FAFSA since Freshman year! Our EFC is well above her COA so I didn’t ever even think about it.

She has gotten additional “named” scholarships from the music dept but none required FAFSA.

This group seems much more knowledgeable and forthcoming on scholarship and FA info than when we were going thru the application process! I feel like I we would like a do-over!

So I had no intention of doing the FAFSA this year. Hopefully it didn’t screw us that I did. And yes our EFC is also higher than her COA at NS. She was told that she can appeal her current merit award she was given this year for an increase next year. I’m sure they do that to retain students so I’m hopeful. Hopefully her YoungArts win this year will help with that. She also submitted for Downbeat again and although it’s a super long shot as a college freshman, if she manages to win in a category it’s a huge bragging point for the school that I think could get her a bump in money.

@SpartanDrew , we don’t have to fill out the FAFSA anymore for S18’s merit scholarships. I guess you are saying the New School considers need when awarding additional merit scholarships?

On other fronts, South Pacific was great and S18 was awesome, in my completely unbiased opinion. The show choreographer has asked him to perform in a dance/sing duet that will perform at a convention over his spring break. That should be interesting. He is also getting ready for the regional NATS competition auditions.

Hello all you old timers :slight_smile:

If you get a chance - DM with any info that you might have regarding music merit scholarship ranges you have heard of. We are keeping them anonymous with the caveat that these are self-reported and could be wrong :slight_smile: I’ll update it as I get info. Some of you already DMed me - thanks!!! I think this can help set expectations for those going through the process.

Hey hey, there’s a new Journey thread! Stop by and wish them luck!

@akapiratequeen. Can you post link to last year’s music thread…the one that inspired you??

This is the thread that inspired me! I then started The Journey 2023:

@WestOfPCH Your son was notified of admission on 3/29 for New School, right? So that’s a good sign that financial aid info is starting to come out. Hoping we hear by tomorrow (Friday) not that we are expecting much.

The people I spoke to at New School were very helpful and friendly but if anyone is getting a cranky response, I can kind of understand. I’m sure they are getting the same questions from a ton of people. I wish that Admissions would be more clear in the acceptance letter of the process and timeframe for financial aid to come out. That would save a lot of unnecessary phone calls!

Ignore the above post-was supposed to be in this year’s journey thread. But while I am here, hope all your kids are doing fantastic in college!

Hello everyone! I’ve missed this board. D18 is doing great at Lawrence. It was the perfect choice for her. She has found her place and is thriving.

I’m coming back to CC gearing up for D20. Lucky me! She also wants to study VP. She has no interest in Lawrence, so the search begins anew. She will be attending the Oberlin Vocal Academy this summer. Maybe she will like it there? Anyone have any experience with OVA?