The Tours, The Journey and the Decisions moving forward

@tripletmama Living in California is nice for this process especially if you child wants to stay in California. We have many CSU’s that have good music programs and are affordable. A few of them do not require an audition and, since they share a common application, allow you to easily apply to a few more programs. You will find that a few UC’s do have good music programs as well but they are often smaller and a more difficult academic admit.

I was surprised to learn that many of the CSU and UC’s offer music scholarships. I will add that Arizona State University is known to bring the price down with merit and music scholarships and can be as price competitive as the CSU campuses.

Each campus has it’s own rules on how the admissions work. For instance, San Fransisco State has already academically admitted my D for a BM in VP. This is the case with Arizona State too. However, she now needs music departmental approval via audition. At other schools, the music department makes the first decision. At UCSB, she was admitted by the music department for a BM in VP. However, that recommendation is sent to the Office of Admissions for their final decision. At SDSU, the admissions office forwards only eligible applications to the music department. The music department makes a recommendation but the office of admissions has the final decision. From what I understand, at UCLA the music department makes the decision. The office of admission just makes sure that you are “UC eligible.” At one program with a BM we were told admissions was a little like being a recruited athlete. Music department makes a strong recommendation but the office of admissions has to sign off and formally admit.

It is a difficult process to track and keep straight. Since I felt uneasy about the academic admit side of the equation, I looked at the college data sets to figure out what percent enrolled with her GPA and test scores. This ruled out USC. However, this ruled in many of the CSUs and even a few UCs. Because these big California state schools have so many applications and there are a lot of data points, you can get an idea where an academic admit might be possible if the music department approves.

@tripletmama No way would Thornton ever be considered a “safety” as difficult and exclusive as it is. That being said since your D is a bassist (hot commodity) as well as female (rare female instrumentalist much less female bassist) she will likely get offers everywhere if she is good and a decent student. Cal St Northridge is a great jazz program and could be considered a safety as @SpiritManager suggested.

@NYsaxmom I totally get the road weariness you are feeling and offered up to D to drop an audition next week for a school that will likely not make the cut. She said she wanted to go to see the school and have the experience because “you never know”. I also had considered Western Michigan as an in-state “safety” and let me tell you after we went and saw how amazing they all are as well as some of the country’s top jazz vocalists auditioning for what we later found out may only be 2-3 spots, I sure don’t feel that way anymore. PLus the guy running the program is top faculty in the country. I don’t think D has even one safety at this point and with all of the competition out there I am really happy she has a solid and affordable option already in the bag with Loyola.

One thing we have discovered is there are no guarantees in this process. Even if she gets into the highly highly competitive Frost, it may not come with enough scholarship that would make it affordable to us. So without the money, it’s not happening. We head to Boston on Monday and I am SO happy that we moved Frost up by a week to audition last week and have a week at home to recoup. And also for D to “try” to catch up on school. I looked up her grades and she went from all A’s to D’s and even an F for the week she missed! I know it’s because they put in missed assignments and tests as zeros but still…it’s a shock to the system. Ticks me off that they do that but that’s her stupid high school for you. And another full week out of school next week. Ughhhhhhh

First official music acceptance today. D18 has been accepted for both Oboe Performance and Music Therapy at UMN-Twin Cities!! They told us at information session that they had 54 applicants for 8 spots in music therapy, so that was a pleasant surprise. Official letter with details to come the second week of March.

Congratulations @oboemom65 !

Great news @oboemom65 !

Congrats @oboemom65!

@vistaja - thanks for the advice on what a “safety” is (must seem like a basic question…). I’m so jealous of your mini vacation. I’m definitely making my daughter audition at Frost just to hang out at the infamous Rat - and now I’ll add the Ritz to the list, too. (who cares if my daughter hates Florida, right!!! ;)) ???

@NYsaxmom - 4 kids in music school? You are kidding, right? Sounds like they all have the same dna and I’m sure you encouraged them as well, so kudos for that. You should write a guidebook about all the music schools out there when you retire from the audition tours.

@Classicalsaxmom - Great advice about asking her teacher. I know this sounds strange, but I haven’t even spoken to her new LA jazz instructors (she just moved this past Sept). She has two that are her mentors. One just wants her to go straight to Julliard (he’s in his 70s and knows the director there - not the best reason, I’m sure) - and the other one tells her to avoid Indiana because it was “boring” there. Oh boy. Not the best guidance or knowledge base I’m afraid. I haven’t met them because we live in Northern CA and our daughter lives in Southern CA (long story why - but we try to visit there once a month but haven’t been able to meet her instructors for one reason or another). I’m going to email them right now (even though my daughter likes to keep them to herself). If anything - they will hopefully give me some insight as to what her ability is like vs. others her age and where to apply. I know with our son, I was very skeptical of instructors saying wonderful things about him - but in the end, they were right. (I’m a skeptic by nature). She did pass the pre-screen for Colburn for their classical high school program which I think was a high bar and according to former instructors, jazz is where she shines.

@SpiritManager - thanks for the recommendations. Northridge sounds like a good one to apply to - and the others you mentioned. Thank you!

@Bearhouse - you know your CA colleges like the back of your hand! Wow! I need to look but I would think that she won’t make the cut for USC given her academics (she hasn’t taken the SAT or ACT yet but needs to soon). She loves LA - but I think she would also love NYC or Boston.

@SpartanDrew - so good to hear that female bassists are a hot commodity. (I began to accept that today when we got an email from one of her favorite programs talking about a new “female in jazz” scholarship program. Yipee!!! You, along with this email, has seriously helped alleviate anxiety I was building from reading all of your audition tours. I’m going to have to record your sentence to replay in my head for next year - maybe as I help schlep her bass from one place to the next. (now - that’s crazy making!!). The white hard case looks like we are towing an infant casket with us. (sorry to be morbid). Glad to hear that you are enjoying your rest week - can’t wait to hear how NYC and Boston go.

@Oboemom - congrats! Whew! One in the bag. Very exciting.

Aaaaaaand that’s a wrap on audition season for us. Eight auditions in five weeks.

All went pretty smoothly, no colds, no flu. Mom had to employ some snow driving skills in Ann Arbor in an economy compact (boo!) and in Chicago with a four wheel drive (yay!). Tip: adjust your car rental to the weather forecast, especially if the school you’re visiting is within an hour’s drive of a Great Lake.

Through the first seven I was really just tour manager/chauffeur/moral and logistical support. No heroics.

Until today.

Dropped D in the green room for her 4:57 audition with time to spare and left to read a paper two rooms over.

Then at 4:51 the phone rings: “Dad, I left my music binder in the warmup room on the 4th floor.”

Tip: black binders, while professional looking, simply blend into a Manhasset music stand and, in chamaleolnlike fashion, disappear.

I wager it has been a while since you seen a middle aged man move that quickly. It was still there.

Got it there at 4:55.

Happy to be done, and D will be happy to have a Friday at school again.

@NYCMusicDad , like OJ through the airport! Nice work!

@tripletmama We called S’s bass Poor Uncle Seymour when we were traveling with it because it did look a bit like a coffin. :slight_smile:

@NYCMusicDad Congrats on finishing it up and coming through for your D in the clutch!

With regard to safeties: We played the ultimate game of “What if I don’t pass any pre-screens or auditions?” The timing is such that D wouldn’t have known that until it was too late to apply to other colleges. So we included several liberal arts colleges with strong Depts of Music where she could study music along with another major (Tufts, for example).

Regarding grade drops during auditions, I am curious: are kids meeting with the principal, guidance counselor, and/or teachers? I don’t remember what my musician did about this: I think she brought homework with her that she got in advance. One of my other kids is in a performing art that involved absences from school, and she would prearrange with principal and teachers so that she had a package of work, communicated via email with teachers, and even had extensions so she could finish things up when she got back. A key thing to know is what grades are missing: otherwise things cannot be made up. Some teachers’ lack of organizational skills get highlighted by this and they can be resistant but the principal was helpful in, um, motivating them. Does anyone else have a school working with them like this? I hope it is possible!

My D’s teachers have been working with her on make up work, they have been great. She manages all that on her own. Unless she gets sick and misses additional days, only then will I send a quick email. However, I have been communicating with her assistant principal on all the missed days for college auditions. They appear to be working with us on the excessive absences. As well as a CYA reminder that the state policy only allows 2 days for college visits. Due to some breakdown in communications back in October, administrator said my email got lost, blah, blah blah, Having already booked flights etc. I decided to push through with our travel plans and fight it later if need be. I have been providing copies of flight info and notes from each college stating that D was on campus XX date. I’m not worried about any issues so far. I even got a note from Vice P last week that D was doing a great job with the make up work and keeping her grades up. My D also misses class for chorus field trips and all state etc. We just returned from a 2 day trip to perform for the sate music educations convention. Due to An audition Feb 8-9th, being out sick two days and then two days for chorus trip she actually went to school one day last week. Fun times, LOL!

@NYCMusicDad , what a great Dad story! So awesome! I hope you were wearing a super hero t shirt!!! I vigorously second the suggestion to reserve an appropriate rental car (ahh, the Midwest in winter) and am seriously trying to remember why my kid didn’t apply to Frost (if only for the audition trip); what were we thinking ?

We have communicated with all teachers and guidance counselor. The GC has been great, some teachers as well, some not so much. Hopefully D can get everything made up and get the grades back up. French will be the most difficult. She actually had a friend tape record her world religions class every day because the teacher is awesome but there is so much material to learn. It’s a lot.

^ having a friend record classes is a great idea @SpartanDrew … For these serious music kids, where it’s really impossible to avoid missing lots of school for these audition trips, this is another reason it’s not just okay, but really necessary, to avoid loading up on APs, etc., during Senior year. (I know all you 2018 Grad parents know this, but I’m mentioning it for parents of upcoming kids.)

I just wanted to say congrats to those just finishing auditions and to @oboemom - I know that’s a tough admit so you should be proud. @NYCMusicDad I love dad and D stories!

@dramasopranomom is right. Watch class selection for spring semester (even fall with the pre-screens and applications). Not the time to load up. You may think a few weekend trips are no big deal but they are stressful. Then you add in bad weather, travel delays, illness, missed classes with difficult assignments and then continual notices from the school that you are behind (even when being told it’s ok you’ll catch up some day) it’s a tad stressful. The talk of notices from the school reminded me of my D coming home in tears saying she was going to be kicked out of NHS bc she couldn’t do clean up after their heart dance thingamabob done to raise money. There were NO excuses. I can’t remember how it worked out…I just remember it being yet another thing to “manage” in a stressful time. So add extracurricular stresses to the list too.

Edit: The guidance counselor ran interference all spring for my D. She wasn’t the only student needing exceptions. It all worked out in the end. Finding out who at the school can communicate with teachers and override absence issues in the fall is important.

Agreed @dramasopranomom. D has just one AP class but French 4 is killing her and her teacher is being a giant pain in the derriere! Excuse my french LOL. She is currently rocking an E in the class (this stupid school doesn’t do F’s for some reason). She is behind on a lot of assignments and the teacher isn’t being very helpful in helping her get them. Grrrrr.

@NYCMusicDad having met you, I can absolutely see you running up those stairs!!! But a big congrats on finishing. Had USF today (the local) and it went awesomely. Three more to go!

@tripletmama yes I have had 4 go through music auditions. Two switched majors, one graduated in music ed this past May, and now the last one wanting performance
And I have seriously considered writing a book on applying to music schools!!!