The UC's VS Small Private California Universities

<p>Which do you think are better? The UC’s or small private schools in California (etc., University of the Pacific, Santa Clara University, University of San Diego, Pepperdine University, The Claremonts’, University of San Francisco etc.) Please be in depth; don’t just name a few things or things that are trivial.</p>

<p>That is an incredibly broad and vague question. What are you looking for? Academics, locale, extracurriculars, or what? Please make your inquiry more specific and focused.</p>

<p>Also, you can’t compare a whole system of campuses to a string of private institutions. That’s way too much info, and it would be comparing apples and oranges. Is there a specific UC campus and a specific private school you’re thinking of? What kind of program, major, location, etc. are you looking for?</p>