<p>boo orbit citrusmint... go with original flavor, or if you want orange get the trident. attempting to mix the two will only lead to disaster.</p>
<p>You people have this whole thing confused. You see you will NOT get a better score just from doing all this stuff. What you will do is help yourself get the best possible score to the best of your abilities. So rather then raising your score you are basically insuring that you dont screw it up.</p>
<p>this method works, at least for me. You never tried it so how would you know.</p>
<p>=] I'll be the victim for trying it. x]</p>
<p>r3n I know because its logic. The only way to raise your score is to study or to get lucky with guesses on the test. Let me put it this way - lets assume that you know every single thing on a certain test and have the potential to get a 2400. Without chewing gum or listening to Mozard (or anything else) you get easily distracted on the test and get a 2100. Now using these things you get a 2200. Did they raise your score? Techinally no because you always had that kind of potential, but they did help you focus better.</p>
<p>I do recommend everyone trying it though. I dont see anything bad coming from doing this and it may work like a placebo effect - it may not do anything but it may psychologically help you.</p>
<p>let me make a correction i made on pg 2. i mean't the trident tropical flavor(the orange color package). and its "mozart"</p>
<p>Haha, I chewed the original kind of Orbit...guess I should switch to citrusmint for that orange buzz.</p>
<p>If you really want a buzz try nicorette... :)</p>
<p>orbit cinnamon lasts foreverrr. i've tested every flavor and that works best (for me anyways :P)</p>
<p>i like "extra" gum and "winterfresh" mmm...
gum rox</p>
<p>anybody chew gum during today's exam and not get in trouble?</p>
<p>i did and i didnt get in trouble....but she didnt see me but even if she would have, i dont think she'd care</p>
<p>2000 here i come :)</p>
<p>guaranteed instructions to ace the sat:</p>
<p>on the first full moon before the exam, sacrifice a senior who scored well on the sat. use your augury skills on the entrails.</p>
<p>four days later, if the ritual was performed correctly, four ravens will circle around your school at high noon. pray to the gods at the guidance counselor's door.</p>
<p>on midnight before the test, drop a few mentos into a liter of diet coke outside the test center and run away. after you hear the explosion, throw yourself upon a copy of The Princeton Review.</p>
<p>eat four saltine crackers right before you start section one. and you're good to go.</p>
<p>this is totally ridiculous, but not more ridiculous than chewing gum for good luck.</p>
<p>gum works... it keeps me awake... my test proctor was watching me blow bubbles but she didn't do anything</p>
the proctor didnt even let me use a mini clock instead of a watch.</p>
<p>i chewed, it was good. I think it was like eclipse peppermint. I was able to concentrate more I think, and hopefully less mistakes,a lthough I know i had a couple. Including a really dumb one. YARRRR</p>
<p>seriously? even for a person like me who got a 1390?</p>
<p>heres what i did before the april sats, 1) went to bed early (duh) 2) got up early 3) decent shower 4) hearty breakfast 5) brief jog 6) classical music 7) chewed orbit gum 8) played tetris beforehand</p>
<p>i went down on all multiple choice sections (essay went from a 6 to an 11 tho so i went overall from a 2000 to a 2020)</p>
<p>hmm, that sounds good. this is semi-unrelated, but i heard that if you take a break from latenight studying to play a computer game, your concentration goes up and you dont feel so tired.</p>