The unique opportunity to speak Spanish...

<p>If you took Spanish in high school, going to UM means being in a place where you can really learn how to speak spanish. The Cuban, Colombian, Venezuelan, and Brasilian communities among others are in such large numbers that sometimes if you go to Subway or Walgreens, for example, the manager may be the only employee who speaks English. (English is the first language on campus, but many students speak Spanish with other students.) My roommates did not take Spanish in their senior year of high school and were removed from it for a year. </p>

<p>This skill will help you on vacation and in Spanish speaking neighborhoods across the country. Watch Spanish tv and talk to people in Spanish in Miami. It is challenging to understand the cuban accent because they speak Spanish very fast compared to other groups, but it creates "a great language learning environment" (or whatever) which culturally and practically supplements the academic and social environments at UM.</p>

<p>Discuss your experience or curiosity. Go Canes!</p>