<p>i applied early to colgate... comments would be appreciated</p>
<p>gender: female
location: southern ca
ethnicity: other--japanese/jewish (kind of a stretch, i know...)
attends: fairly challenging private school</p>
<p>gpa: 3.6
sat: CR--740, M--700, W--800
sat subj: english lit--670, us history--630 (i suck at subj tests...)
aps: bio--3, us history--4 (and aps haha)</p>
<p>school literary magazine (4 years, editor--senior year)
amnesty international (4 years, president--senior year)
student government (junior class secretary
co-chair of social committee
varsity cross country (4 years, captain--2 years)
varsity soccer (2 years)
varsity basketball (2 years)
national charity league--ticktockers (4 years, VP--junior year)
athletic council (3 years, co-chair--senior year)
2 intra-school community service groups (exclusive to seniors)
roundsquare committee (sort of a group that promotes international exchanges, etc.) (2 years)
happy hapa culture club (founder--senior year)</p>
<p>national merit commended scholar
school honor roll every semester</p>
<p>visited campus
had an interview in la
letter of recommendation from a colgate alum</p>
<p>i'm like my essays...
great recs (i can only hope haha)</p>