The Wait List

Mine didn’t work on anything—it just got stuck at the so-called list screen. Oh well, I didn’t need it. Was just trying to help others out.

Same here - just keeps spinning. I’m glad I know where it is though!

Brewster seems to have openings. Great school in a beautiful location. It has a great reputation among teachers.

@CaliMex by openings, do you mean that you can still apply even though decisions have been made?

@sc2004 Yes. I’d start by giving them a call. We don’t know if they have openings for a girl, a boy, or are holding out for someone who plays a particular sport or instrument. Good luck!

My question is this-

My child is waitlisted at his first choice prep school Middlesex.

I do not understand what I am committing to April 10 at his second choice school financially- is it full tuition or just the deposit?

When am I committed to paying full tuition at second choice? That is when I will need to take him off the waitlist.

I can live with losing a deposit but cannot pay an extra full tuition.

@mothere please look at post #1456, #1952 among others, especially those by @PhotographerMom and @ChoatieMom Your question has been asked and answered multiple times, unfortunately, throughout this thread. If you still have doubt, it may be best to call the school and ask what is lost after A10 should some unlikely and/or unforeseeable circumstance prevent DC from attending.

@PhotographerMom @ChoatieMom who’s pouring?

What is not clear to me is whether there is a second date after 4/10 when one commits to full tuition or if 4/10 is committing to everything? I looked at those posts and they don’t address whether there is a second date that commits one to the entire tuition.

I can handle losing deposit but not full tuition if comes off a waitlist.

It is not clear to me when I look at the contract.

Again, contact the school and ask.

I’ve not heard of a school that requires anything but a (usually around 10%) deposit on A10, and then the rest is paid in installments with the first installment sometime prior to drop-off, usually mid-summer. Regardless of any advice here, @buuzn03 and @skieurope are correct that your best and only answer should come from the school.

How many people get off the waitlist each year, and how many people are on the waitlist at Andover?

The answer to both questions is going to be conjecture.

Please read through this thread … you won’t have to read it in its entirety to get the most accurate answer that can be provided. A specific answer is impossible

And for those who complain about wading through 137 pages, wait until you see the reading list for your English and history classes this year, if you do end up at a BS.

read - as here is actually a very good place for learning to separate opinions from facts.

Hey just looking for some advice here but I’ve been waitlisted at all schools and I understand that it’s basically just a soft reject so I’m preparing to apply for next year.

So I would just like to ask anyone with experience out there whether or not

  1. I should use a consultant
  2. If I should apply for repeat 9th grade because I’m a straight a student with 99 percentile on ssat but still wants a 4 year prep school experience. So should I go for it anyway?

Thanks anyone who replied

I may not be the best to answer about the consultant…but the advice I was given was if you’re willing to do the research and truly seek out a school that fits you (not just look at the most applied to schools with the largest marketing budgets that are part of acronyms), you shouldn’t need one. I think this advice especially rings true to someone who has been through the process before, so knows what to expect.

Only you can decide if you want to apply as a repeat. If your hesitation is that you’ll be bored, given your academic successes thus far, I’ll tell you from our experience that the school will place you in classes that match your ability. So, you will continue to be challenged even though you are technically repeating a grade. BSs are very used to repeats, and are very good at accommodating schedules and coursework to the individual students based on their academic foundation and learning abilities (some are better than others, but most are excellent at this).

The pool for 9th grade slots is larger than the 10th grade, if that is a question you are asking. Finally, though, the decision is up to you.

Your other option is to look at some of the schools on the open slot lists to see if you can still apply to a BS and attend this year. If FA is not an issue, you may find you are able to go to BS this year, after all. There are several notable schools that are claiming to have open spots (you’d have to determine if you are the type of student they have a spot for) and there are definitely people on CC that have found a great fit for themselves through this method.

In any regard, I applaud your resilience and wish you the best of luck!

We did not use a consultant but I’ve had parents tell me consultants they used were extremely helpful at targeting the right school for their kid. Consultants are aware of a huge number of schools that are excellent but not well known.

@MAandMEmom Do you know how you are notified if you happen to make it off the waitlist?

Good luck. Our son was WL to PA, Lawrenceville, Hotchkiss and St Paul’s last year as a 10th grade student. This year he reapplied as a 10th OR 11th grader. (Yes, that’s an option). He got into PA as a 10th grader. Our oldest daughter went to PA and we know they place you in classes which challenge you. We used a consultant, and they were good at reminding us of deadlines. They also submitted information to schools vs us doing so. Don’t know if that was the key. He was WL to several schools. Wish there was a magic formula.