The Wait List

@Saucerking27 As of a few days ago, Brewster still had spots for 9th graders. There may be others, too…

I don’t think you need a consultant. Honestly, how does the consultant know your family and what’s important. Yes, you can tell them but what about just the feel of different schools. I think it’s a long and expensive process so you the student or the student together with the parent(s) should be in the drivers seat. Consultants might be able to point you toward schools which you wouldn’t otherwise come across easily. But if you do look carefully you can find many schools you like.
Many at BS are repeats. That could be for a variety of reasons. The plus might be easier to get it if you are not accepted in 9th grade. The downside an extra year. Another plus if you DON"T repeat, your parents pay for 3 years not 4.
Either way, I think the experience is likely to be the same.

@momensa I do not personally know, but from reading here the last several years it seems that it’s most always a phone call.

@momensa in cases where a school gives an offer of admission, they will either call the applicant or a parent first (depends on the school and the AO who makes the call). If neither can be reached they will typically email the parents/applicant with the information about the offer of admission and a specific date that the family must respond by regarding the offer. I have heard of this date ranging from 1 week to 1-2 days. They will also follow up again by phone after emailing. Should they not receive a response by the given response date they automatically assume you have decided not to accept their offer and will then offer admission to another student from the waitlist.

I am wondering has anyone gotten off from any school WL she far? Thanks!

Any idea if Brewster has openings in the other grades as well?

We didn’t use a consultant for either student before they went to Choate; however if they had been waitlisted, I would have used a consultant if they had to reapply. Can’t hurt, only help in my opinion. If you can swing it, I think I would see what they can offer. Most give you a free “intake” so you can see if they have something to offer before you buy.

I understand you guys can’t give an exact number of kids on the waitlist at Andover. But does anyone have a general idea? To me, it could be 50, 100, 200, 300, 500. I have no clue at all, so can anyone please give me a loose estimate? Thank you! Also, I’m considering reapplying next year, but I got accepted into my second choice with generous financial aid so I don’t want to disrespect that. Also, I feel like the recommendations won’t be as good because the teachers won’t know me as well. Suggestions?

@Harshdog the best thing to do is call the school.

Also (I feel like I’m saying ‘also’ too much!), I sent an email to Andover 2 weeks ago about how if I was accepted I would jump on the opportunity, and I told them how much I love Andover. They emailed me back a few days ago telling me ‘Thank you for your email. We will notify you should a spot open up for you. Please send your final transcripts when they come up.’ Should I respond, or just leave it at that?

It could also be a million. The odds are still small. My guess is ~100. Maybe 150. Depends in part on how many are soft rejects.

No need to respond.

Not to burst your bubble, but your chances will be even lower next year. In general, Andover accepts transfers who can get something that is unavailable at their current school. You’ll be hard-pressed to make a case for transferring from BB&N.

I would def respond. PA has always been great at communicating. I can say, for a fact, PA looks at everything they receive. P’16.

@M0hammad I would leave it at that and just send your transcript when available. Andover’s waitlist tends to be inflated, but keep in mind they usually do a VERY good job of predicting their yield (which is usually above 80 percent), so I believe the only waitlist movement they have is to fill specific “gaps” in the incoming new students (ex: if they have a lot of girls enroll, but not enough boys they will go to the boys 9th grade waitlist). No one can tell you how many people are on the andover waitlist, however, if you look at the decisions thread you might be able to get a very loose sense of what percent of students were accepted/rejected/waitlisted, however, even the CC stats may be misleading. In cases, of reapplying it might help, but I have heard that boarding schools typically don’t like to take students from each other (especially if they are both TSAO schools). You really have done all you can to increase your chances at this point, it will come down to luck. If you don’t end up at Andover, I guarantee that you will be very happy at BB&N and you will look back at this in 4 years (hopefully) being thankful you were waitlisted rather than accepted. In the end, love the school that loves you.

I was able to get the SSAT open seat listing to work…a little frustrating when you see the school you’ve been waitlisted for says they have open spots in your grade level. I have to remember that usually it’s because they have a specific profile they need to fill. Anyway a few questions about those listed. When contacting those schools now, is it looked poorly upon as they are considered a next choice be cause we didn’t get into others? Also is it appropriate to ask what gaps they’re looking to fill? If we our profile doesn’t match what they need no point in applying…

@Harshdog I am sure someone who has done this before will answer but if it were me I would phrase it like this “we made the decision to apply to boarding school late and are looking for schools with open spots. This is what our child is like, what kind of kids are you looking for to fill your open spots?” I think you can easily stay away from the implication that a school is your last resort or choice. How you frame it can matter and I think it can be done skillfully.

Hey does anyone know any updates on choate waitlist? (Sorry i know im barging in uninvited haha)

You should assume, particularly for the more selective schools, that there will be no movement before A10.

@M0hammad @skieurope I was waitlisted at Andover in 2014 and 2015, and if I remember correctly, I was told that there were 25 kids on the waitlist for every category. So that’d be 25 9th grade boarding girls, 25 9th grade boarding boys, 25 9th grade day girls… you get the idea.

With 9th grade being the key entry point, that makes sense. Perhaps a little less for 10th. But I can’t imagine that they’re holding that many on the WL for 11th and 12th. But again, it is what it is.

My daughter is also waiting in Andover. They told The waiting list is unranked. If we see the waiting ID number, the number is ****35. I just wonder The last digit is rank. But I’m not sure. Maybe Andover will find similar student to give up the school. Yesterday Andover was revisit day and there were some students to attend the day in school. We envy the students. I know A student is really brilliant in one aera not all around.