The Wait List

Just for anyone who is waitlisted at Andover, my classmate just got off the waitlist couple days ago, so it’s not impossible.

Is there someone to get off the wait list in Andover? Did Andover start to get off the wait lists? Is your classmate a day or boarding?

Any news on the Middlesex waitlist movement (or lack thereof)?

@appleeee was your classmate applying for 9th grade?

So jealous that there are movements in other waitlists… does anyone know about choate??

@M0hammad She applied for grade 11, boarding. However, she was accepted to Andover before (the previous spring or winter term),but couldn’t go because of personal reason. Then she asked them again, and they put her on the waitlist.

At Exeter on Friday, one of the admissions officers encouraged the kids to decline schools now if they are sure they are going to attend Exeter because he has “heard of some schools already going to their waitlists.” Therefore, kiddo asked me to decline SPS, Choate, Groton, Deerfield and Hotchkiss on Monday and just enroll her in Exeter now without any additional revisits. We hope this helps move some wait lists for others. Good luck!!

@raddad2018 At Exeter, was it for 10th, 11th, or 9th?

Accepted for 9th at Exeter. Declined for 9th at the others.

Did your daughter apply FA for boarding schools?

After my SAS revisit day, they sent an email saying that they hoped we enjoyed the day, and bascially encouraged us to make our decisions so that they could see and give the waitlisted applicants information. Later that day, I officially turned down Groton and the Hill. I turned down MX a while back.

On acceptance day I was put on the waitlist for St Paul’s has anybody heard about their place.

@KeepHopeAlive152 SPS said that they would start officially reviewing the waitlist on/after April 10th. Therefore, I was told they still don’t have a clear picture of if/how much waitlist movement would occur and for what grades.

No, daughter was FP.

Today when I pick up my kid in middle school, I saw one student in 8th grade wearing sweat shirts “PA” logos in the school. We knew about the student from elementary school and accepted the PA next year and the student is a great one but not all around. It feels the student and the family don’t care other kids mind(reject and wait list in that school) in current middle school. Maybe it feels like the student and parents look like making fun of other kids. Although they didn’t do like that, they don’t know that friends, other kids and parents were disappointed of them. We congratulate the student, but please measure other kids.

We’ve had kids wearing bs sweatshirts and T-shirt’s at our middle school. I understand there’s disappointment out there but that’s part of life. The kids who were successful don’t need to hide it. I think there’s being sensitive to others’ feelings and then there’s going overboard. Keeping kids from feeling any rejection or sadness or seeing that others were successful is not necessarily better for them long term.

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Did anyone receive a Deerfield waitlist email update yesterday? Wondering if I took myself off FA request increases my chances of getting off the waitlist…

@pendulum I believe everyone received the email yesterday, don’t read much into it. I was waitlisted last year as well and they sent the exact same email last year (and I mean literally not a word was different).

I don’t know why some schools still accept late application if there are still many kids on their waitlists. Does this mean that they may choose a new applicant instead of those from the waitlist?

Which schools accept late applicants? I checked the ssat site to find some schools(brooks and MX) are still available to apply two weeks ago. Brooks sent official email to all FA applicants and they would default to waitlist. International or late applicants can still apply.