The Wait List

@Saucerking27 Do realize that a lot of intl applicants in Asia that use educational consultants to aid, if not taking over, the application process and polish their essays to the finest, and you were also applying to some of the most competitive schools, so it’s really hard to get in. If you are reapplying, you should definitely apply to more schools (I can think of multiple schools that are really good at hockey that aren’t as competitive).

@Harshdog Have you looked into United World Colleges? You might want to apply in the fall. It is a 2-year program and most kids attend their senior year plus one post-grad year. Students are selected by their own country’s national Committee, then sent to one of the 13 boarding schools in the UWC network with kids from all over the world. There are schools in Canada, the US, Costa Rica, Wales, India, Italy, Netherlands, Singapore, and more.

@CC4life Doh, thanks for the link! Worse odds than I thought…which we knew were long. Looks like we’re waiting til next year. She got in to a variety of schools, indeed some with good aid offers, but not her top choices. We’re not going to love the school that loves us but believe we can’t hurry love and just have to wait (list). Good luck everyone.

Good luck to all on the waitlist. I know there are many people deciding today/tonight. Also, for those who don’t get off the waitlist, try something else. There is very little movement on these lists. It’s sad to think of students sitting around thinking they are going to be “the one”

Pro Tip for Next Year: Don’t bother applying to any schools you wouldn’t be happy to attend.

Did you receive any email from BS about the waitlist?
Today I had a email from Groton. “They won’t turn on the waitlist at this time. Please let me know if you would like to stay until September.”

Groton is really a great school. Actually groton is not top choice in my kid. I heard my kid felt different than other BS to visit open house and interview. Though my kid doesn’t want to stay on waitlist, my kid is on waitlist all BS to apply. -.-

Should we send email to Groton to stay WL until September? Our public high school doesn’t offer the sports that my kid wants to play.

@CaliMex If you know before applying where you’d be happy hard to argue with that advice. I think the process is one of mutual discovery. Schools wait list kids, and kids wait list schools.

As others probably know, Groton just emailed (at least us): no going to wait list for them now.

@Saucerking27 You should be proud of all the work you’ve done, both in this process and outside, and focus on making the most of the opportunities you have right now. You will not be a better applicant by chasing some theoretical ideal or trying to become what you think a school wants; you will be a better applicant (and person!) by finding your passion and really deeply engaging in it.

I would definitely ask someone to look over your essays next year, and maybe to practice interviews. The best interviews feel like conversations that allow you to talk about your passions. Some kids can do this without practice, but I think most kids benefit from working with an adult to help shape that narrative.

@momboarding77 they continue the waitlist until September?? Talk about cutting it close!

Is this typical practice?? All so very confusing to me. Wish I had a better grasp on the BS process. I’m learning as I go, and there are some things that make me scratch my head and stare in wonderment of not understanding at all!! So much for simplicity.

Does anyone have any ideas on how to finance BS tuition?? I’m all ears! =)

Hi - any pingry parent here ?

Maybe today Groton gave us a advice to commit other school because tomorrow is deadline to admit at many other BS. I don’t know if other waitlists in Groton also received the similar email.

Did Groton give us a hint that you won’t get in our school? We are FA applicant. What a poor! T.T

@momboarding77 Probably. But I think that you should accept a school today so that if you cannot go to Groton, you still have a backup.

My kid doesn’t have any BS to accept. All BS to apply this year is on waitlist. ?

@momboarding77 Don’t be too worried. I’m in a worse situation than your kid. Waitlisted at one school and rejected by the rest.

@appleeee ? Thank you!
I will keep my fingers crossed!

@FirstTimesACharm, a lot of schools will continue the waitlist until September/end of august because in most cases the first installment of tuition is due at that time. When that first installment is due, there COULD (potentially, but highly unlikely) be waitlist movement because some people may pull their kid out at the last minute. By august, the school has already prepared for the number of students they will have in the incoming class and therefore if someone decides not to attend they quickly fill that spot with someone from the WL. The school will send an official email, usually in the summer time to officially close the waitlist, however, if the school is overenrolled (as has happened to DA the past few years) they will close the waitlist as early as end of April.

If we take the offer from a school, will it hurt our chance for being lifted out WL of another school? The schools are in the same NE state. In other words, do those private schools share a certain database or talk to each other so they don’t step on each other’s toe? We don’t care about losing the deposit. I feel regret now because we are not that into the safety school that we accepted.

It seems they are sending a stock letter to everyone. We declined WL from several schools but just received a note from Taft and Middlesex. Both said they would not be taking anyone from their WL right now but we could stay on the list longer if we wrote back. Both said their schools were full. Good luck to all.

@wjeanj2005 When did you receive an email from Middlesex? We didn’t get any email about the waitlist from Middlesex yet. Yesterday I called the school and they told me they don’t know yet. Did you receive an email from the school personally?