The Wait List

This. +1000

Hi, our kid was waitlisted at Peddie and the other at Pennington. We requested FA from both. Does anyone know if these schools would accept only if they could provide FA? My kids were accepted to other schools but denied FA.

@Sassafrass221 - I was rushing out the door when I wrote my original response so Iā€™m circling back real quick because ( first and foremost ) I meant to congratulate you on the day school acceptance. Also -you will have time to sort this out prior to A8. It may be on A8 when you know for certain, but you can ask for an extension ( from day school ) if it comes down to the wire.

It sounded like your son was very disappointed ( obviously ) about all the WLs and wanted to board and my response was geared towards BS placement if the WLs donā€™t pan out.

You can pursue both WL and possible Hail Mary schools at the same time - if thatā€™s what your family wants to do. It just boils down to what youā€™re up for. Anyway- hang in there and good luck.

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good luck to you guys!

this is the mentality i need to have :sweat_smile:

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Question about emails to express continued interest - who should I be emailing? My interviewer, or does any person in admissions work?

The email should be sent to the DOA.


I was waitlisted to 7 schoolsā€¦one of which was my top choice. However, I did get accepted into some others and my second top choice. Do I have a chance of getting off the WL of at least one of the schools I applied to? Should I just go to my second top choice?

Scroll up to see what the parents posted!

Hi @3by3matrix - Scroll up and read my post about what to do if you were waitlisted at your FC school. I believe itā€™s post #2747. Hope it helps and good luck!

@PhotographerMom You are the best!! Thank you for all of the advice. I found it calming and uplifting. Feeling good about facing the WL game!!

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I was waitlisted at Middlesex, Milton, & Mercersburg. Any tips?

Question- should I send my waitlist letter to the office of admissions, my interviewer, or possible the head of admission/ dean of enrollment? Thank you!

Hello. I wasnā€™t in the best mood, getting placed on the waitlist for all of my schools that I applied to. Exeter, Andover, Hotchkiss, Deerfield, Milton, St. Paulā€™s, Choate, Groton.

Any suggestions on what I should do?

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So I just heard about super scoring, and Iā€™m not sure If PA or PEA have it. Iā€™ve checked many sources and most disagreed. Iā€™m contemplating sending my ssat scores now that Iā€™m on the waitlist (if Iā€™m even able send it this late) to maybe help my chances. Not sure if I should, on one hand I have a test with 90 reading 85 quantative and an awful 69 verbal. But a different test with a nightmarish 52 reading but 90 quant and same 70 ish verbal. Not sure if I should or can on waitlist, but I just wanna know if itā€™s a bad idea because of my low reading and verbal. Thanks!

Director of Admissions.

Good luck!!

Bad idea.

@AK1013 - Start with post # 2747 and keep going. Hang in there and give a shout if you have any questions.

Does anybody know approximately how many people get waitlisted at Milton Academy and other good schools?

69 and 70ish is not much different, most likely the WL is not primarily due to your score.

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