The Wait List

Many also issue computers to the entire class - another equalizer.

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Wish I knew which MA schools he applied to because I may be able to offer some insight. Some coaches likely overshot this year. Either they failed to realize that they had less clout than usual (because of the #'s) or they felt they had nothing to lose by encouraging an applicant who may or may not be accepted - hard to know which happened to you. In my case, my son was recruited to go from one private school to another. It was exciting to consider the change, and fun to be wanted - but my gut said odds of admissions were 50/50 at best - so we decided not to take the coach up on the opportunity.

Regarding financial aid, boarding schools tend to be somewhat better with aid than day. A reliable source shared with me that once household income exceeds $150k, the odds of receiving aid go way down. Once income reaches $200k, financial aid is rarely offered. Not sure of your situation, but want you to have those data points. Finally, I think if income is greater and you ask for aid, it reduces admissions odds. Lots of people are stretching for private school so many believe you should as well.

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@MAschools , it sounds like you are right to sit tight, hard as it is. If you end up having to go back to the drawing board and reapply next year, you may have more flexibility since itā€™ll be for 3 years. Definitely not what you had planned but perhaps a workable plan b.


About 150k and 200k, are these thresholds for boarding or day schools?

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Yes. Canadian universities donā€™t require admissions tests for domestic applications unless you are applying directly into a graduate program like Law.

For FA, the schools go through a service called Applefinancial. What parents hate about it is lack of transparency. The sss in USA, you actually can see the expected contribution level. Applefinancial gives an analysis to the school AND they look at your assets and debt load and expect you to take on debt to pay as apposed to just income levels. In Canada there is far less FA and sadly most of it goes to athletes.

The great thing in Canada is that the major cities all have terrific universities and if you apply within your province, your cost will be under $20K even if boarding.

Upper Canada College is the most famous prep in Toronto. Tuition for boarders is about $65K plus Cdn. It is a city with a lot of wealth so you can imagine how competitive it is.

Thanks for your thoughts. There were a number of boys who were strung along and ended up very disappointed. My son also at another private school, and agree that it definitely felt good to be wanted. Interesting about the numbers. Happy to communicate privately re names of schools but donā€™t feel like it would be helpful to post publicly.

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Actually not all financial aid system in USA tells you the EC, there are some schools (at least for day schools) that donā€™t use SSS and they also donā€™t give you the EC.

Those numbers get kicked around at both boarding and day. That does not mean they are 100% factual though, more directionally correct. Boarding schools are more expensive and often have more money to distribute.

sure, maybe same schools - lol

My son was strung along by several coaches (football and lacrosse) last year, by 2 MA boarding schools that he applied to as a day student. I have already mentioned here on CC that he was waitlisted to both Brooks and Middlesex; those were the schools. The coaches wanted him badly but needing FA and being a day student was too much for the coaches to overcome. Wish we also hadnā€™t been so naive about the whole processā€¦


My son managed the process pretty much on his own. My wife and I did the financial stuff and proofed everything. He scheduled his interviews etcā€¦The sad part is he, too, was strung along in a couple of spots. A couple fo schools basically hintedā€¦you want a spot, you need to pay more. It was easy to read between the lines. One school told him he was one of the best candidates they had in a while. Two months later, he was totally snubbed. This was a Cdn school with rolling admissions. (Earlier in the process they promised to contact us, the parents if it came down to FA)ā€¦not a peep. My son reached out to ask after total radio silenceā€¦and was told coldly via emailā€¦sorry no room.


Geez. I guess itā€™s all about money. Eye opening experience to say the least.

It seems like a trick that the coaches do the talking while admission directors stay out of it. Obviously , I am sure everything was verbal between the coaches and the applicants with no tracingā€¦

Hey yā€™all!

So this M10 wasnā€™t much better than the last M10. I got rejected by four schools and waitlisted at four schools (Berkshire, Mburg, Blair and Govs). I applied as a domestic student, but I need a bit of financial aid. Does anyone have any info on approximately how many people get off the waitlist? Do the schools prioritize full pay students who got waitlisted? My Blair interviewer said Iā€™m on her shortlist, but Iā€™m not sure if thatā€™s a thing or if it helps at all. Anyways, Iā€™ll probably reapply next year as a 12th grade student. Maybe third time is really the charmā€¦

Oh FluffyP. Darn it. I remember you from last year and was in your corner hoping for better results this year.

It may be a strange year for waitlists. I sure hope for great news for you.


I donā€™t know how students apply to 20+ schools. Three levels of communication, coaches/admissions/FA

Some schools are great in the coordination part. I did not want to leave a bad impression that it is everyone. There were those schools that totally were all over the map.

Not so much that FP gets priority, but one less barrier. To move off the waitlist, not only there has to be a ā€œbucket matchā€ but enough funds also have to free up.

If you reapply next year you should truly explore repeating the grade. Not only you will be a stronger candidate for that grade but also 12th grade spots are virtually unheard of.

You could also look at rolling admissions schools this cycle. Many excellent schools will have rolling admissions, particularly for non entry years. Again, repeating 10th will likely make you a stronger applicant.


Do people tend to come back and report when WLs move (if at all?). Our local outplacement folks at our middle school think WLs will actually move this year (but they also thought my son getting multiple acceptances was a sure thing and heā€™s WL at 5 schools!).

Historically, yes, for the oft-discussed schools. They will also commented when a WL has been closed.

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are there any templates or examples of emails from people that successfully got off the waitlist at a school?