The Wait List

Received the same email from Taft for my son. Hang in there! Wishing you the best!


Not to fuel the fire, but I know that at Andover, return students were required to commit on April 1 this year, which feels late to me. (Most schools that Iā€™ve heard about or have seen the info on their websites ask for returners to commit in early march, so that march 10th new admission decisions would already include the impact of students not returning.)

I donā€™t know if Andover always does that (have post-M10 return commitment date), but I am going to personally guess that there might be more WL movement for Andover this year, just based on my DD personally knowing of 3 people in her dorm cluster ā€“ including her ā€“ who are not returning. That canā€™t be a normal attrition rate Iā€™m thinking? (maybe Iā€™m wrong though.)

Wow thatā€™s interesting. Doesnā€™t help us for 9th but certainly for those applying for the upper grades.

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If those girls are freshman rn , and they arenā€™t coming back for sophomore year, wouldnā€™t that mean more chance of waitlist for 10th grade? ( assuming they are freshmen, same goes for other grades )

The issue for many BS is the distance learning element. There are parents who felt ā€œgougedā€ with what they paid vs. quality of education. Some schools did better than othersā€¦but it might explain why more applicants and more movement.


Oh no, thatā€™s so disappointing. I know of two American college students (they may have Canadian citizenship as their parents are Canadian Iā€™m not sure) who go to school in Canada and couldnā€™t get home due to Covid last year. I guess thereā€™s risk either way. Things are opening up here and I hope that means some good news for you!

Isnā€™t there a whole thread on ā€œAndover is Brokenā€? Maybe the attrition is more specific to the school than across the board.

@DaddyHoosier I can only speak for my daughter ā€“ she chose to leave for reasons not related to the Andover is Broken thread. (Spoiler: I donā€™t personally agree that Andover is broken. But I also donā€™t think it serves all students well. And my daughter wasnā€™t a fit. But for the right kid, Andover is fantastic.)


The thread was made by a parent. I doubt the kid feels the same. Of course the kid is also not writing the check.

But since Andover will not be going to the waitlist, the attrition speculation seems moot.


One school in Toronto had almost a dozen international students who had to stay during Christmas holidays. They feared not being able to return if they went home. So the school had to have resources to watch the boys. THis is affecting a lot of parents decision making.

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Got an email from Andover. They said they arenā€™t going to wait list

Before April 10 or in ever?

Ever. They said they anticipate being over enrolled

Full email here:

We hope this message finds you safe and well. We are writing with an update on the status of our waiting list.
At this time, it is clear that we will be unable to admit students from our waiting list in the near future as we anticipate being overenrolled as of our April 10, 2021 enrollment deadline. While we know this is likely not the news you were hoping to hear from Andover about the status of our waiting list, we wanted to be sure to share this information as soon as we had made this determination. We hope this clarity allows you to accept a place at another school for fall 2021.
While we would never want a student to give up an opportunity to attend another school in order to remain on our waiting list, applicants are welcome to remain on our waiting list for as long as they would like. At this time, we anticipate keeping our waiting list open through the spring and summer in the unlikely event that we have spaces available in the coming months.
Please know that as long as you have indicated that you wish to remain on our waiting list when you received your waiting list decision, there is no need to contact our team to reiterate your interest in a place at Andover. We are pleased to consider any student who has expressed interest in remaining on our waiting list for any and all spaces that may become available in the future.
All the best to you in determining your next steps.

Yep got it here too. Maybe the post from above will ring trueā€¦ that Andover being overenrolled will open up spots at some other schools. Gotta keep the hope alive!

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Oh really? I didnā€™t think it worked like that haha. I thought other schools would follow suit

The remote component probably will be minimal with BS in USA compared to Canada for year 2021-2022. Canada is experiencing severe lack of vaccines while the US appears to be on track to vaccinate majority of eligible population by end of 2021. If I have to guess, the boarding school in Canada will be back to the new normal in sept 22 (as opposed to Sept 21 for Us).


My husband just had the same thoughtā€¦ he thinks that this is a bellwether for all of the schools.


Canadian schools are all planning to be on campus by Sept 2021. I don;t think it will be an issue. The vaccination rollout was slower (as all the manufacturing is imported) but it is now moving super fast.

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If one is over. It means usually someone lost those students. The top schools all draw from the same pool and also expect the same acceptance expectations say 80%ā€¦so if one has too many, someone will be looking for students.