The Wait List

Or may be the poster has been pulling everyone’s leg

I mean, when I emailed them earlier today they didn’t say something along the lines of we’re not looking at the waitlist we’re already enrolled which I hope is a good sign they’re still considering it

I doubt that they’re lying. They seem to know a lot about things, and they do seem like a great fit for the school.

Best of luck for you! I think that might mean something better than mine :))

I think SPS is for S


Oh right! How could I have forgotten the s

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who is on the waitlist for SPS and has anyone heard any updates about their waitlist?

Good luck to you too!

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I don’t check this thread much, mainly because it stresses me out.

I did lurk a bit on here today. @lilyesh you said that you were on Hkiss’ priority waitlist. How do you know this? I listed them as my first choice on the waitlist reply form.

Also, should I email both schools I got a WL from and send them an extra instrumental solo? I got much better since J15 and I’d like to show this.

Going from both of your experiences, I am very glad that I got Mr.Hutchins.

listing them as first choice puts you on a priority waitlist.


The Exeter waitlist response didn’t have an option for first choice but I told them in an email stating my continued interest and accomplishments since Jan 15


I’m not I assure you :joy:

I’m not the type of person that takes joy in dashing hope, I thought that by sharing my acceptance people would see that there is at least some action on the deerfield and Exeter waitlists


Yeah I had almost given up hope and thought Exeter wouldn’t admit anyone from the waitlist seeing the coronavirus situation and such but your post about getting accepted has given me a new hope. Thank you!

No problem! I think there could be more action in coming days. If anyone wants definitive proof I can link a photo of my acceptance letter, but I feel that would be insensitive to those rejected/waitlisted.

Please post because it would negate the statements made by many of the TSAO schools that they will not go to their WLs until after all decisions are in on A10. In my 11 years here, I’ve never seen this happen once to a poster much less twice, so it would be helpful to us senior members not to incorrectly beat the drum that no WL movement will happen among the TSAO schools until after A10. Most of the time, these schools never go to their WLs because they are almost never underenrolled and can’t even know if they are until all decisions are in (post A10). It could be that COVID is proving an exception this year, but Exeter and Deerfield are not among the schools ever likely to be in this situation, so it would help if you could clarify.

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Groton already emailed stating they do not expect any movement at all on the WL. In the email they were clear…no movement no matter what until after A10 and highly unlikely after.

I expect any movements would occur at earliest in the latter half of the month and very few and far between.

The only potential area of change is on the international side and those might be at the 11th hour pending the pandemic situation.

Obviously it would be anyone’s guess but not beyond imagination: a domino effect from taking first baseman.

A, B: first baseman applicants.

PA accepts both A and B.
PE accepts B, waitlists A.
DE accepts B, waitlists A.

D-2: B commits to PA, sending bye to PE and DE.

For PE and DE:

  1. Neither knows who else is after A.
  2. Neither knows whether it could have A even if it asked A.
  3. Both can be sure, unless it asks now, it will certainly lack a first baseman from this class.
  4. Both can be sure, first mover has clear advantage.

D-1: PE asks, DE asks.

