The Wait List

I would do debate it’s always interested me but they don’t offer it at my school and online clubs cost money so if anyone has free options lmk!

idk what happened to y’all, but my choate interview was really nice. luck of the draw.


If you have the chance you should def start a debate club. That would look so good on your resume!

Yeah I loved my choate interviewer. Even though she whispered sweet nothings then I got rejected.


My daughter is committed for 10th.

a lot of high schoolers or recent high school graduates are starting their own debate clubs for very little or no cost. do a bit of digging on social media if you have it and you should be able to find some. or if you’d like you can private message me and i’ll recommend some to you

if you do start a debate club i’d love to join if it’s online

yes please recommend some !

was your interviewer Jay Tilton? I had a similar experience with my exonian interviewer

No, but I could tell mine kinda ended badly it ended 10 minutes early and I don’t think she really saw who I truly am

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thats unfortunate! im so sorry to hear that :(( any chance youre reapplying next year?

Maybe, I’m thinking about it right now and still haven’t made a final decision about trying to re-apply

My father won the world debate championships back in the day. He was given full scholarships to Princeton and Yale (he was A+ student too). it’s a skill that helps on college apps.

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Mine too, I took it too personal and felt pretty awful. It was the second interview I did that day so I thought I was just tired out from the first.

I was told St. George’s met their enrollment goals as of April 9th

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Do you think Hotchkiss will go to the waitlist?

I have not heard anything from Hotchkiss, which is eerily unsettling. Anything could happen now. I think they might be waiting until after 12pm tomorrow to finalize decisions. Or they have already decided on waitlist acceptances but not send an official message or not to go to waitlist, and ghost us.

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I emailed Exeter’s DOA this morning, asking about waitlist status. They responded tellling me that they do not know or think of any spots opening up. But seeing that someone was admitted already, but they told me they don’t think spots will open up, should I just take this as a sign telling me they aren’t considering taking me off?

Maybe it was truly an exception.

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No, I would believe what they say.They don’t really know the enrollment numbers until tomorrow and even then they have to look at grade levels and genders and ratios.The person that was admitted filled a spot they needed .