The Wait List

Did you not like SPS?

Congratulations :champagne::balloon:

It wasn’t that I didn’t like SPS, I just thought Exeter would fit me better as a student and as an athlete for the sport that I play. Also, I was especially interested in the Harkness method of teaching as well.

thank you!


But isn’t SPS a Harkness school too?

are you going to be a 10th grader at Exeter? My son is a stem student, but he found the harkness method is terrible for STEM subjects. He ended up studying the whole year physics by himself without much help from teachers.

no, it is not. some schools only use harkness for some subjects like humanities . However, at Exeter, it is 100% .

Harkness is only used in Humanities

I’m going to be repeating 9th

My daughter (9th grade) got the offer off the waitlist of Concord on April 9th. There are some movements if you didn’t receive the full enrollment email yet I guess.


I think this warrants emphasizing. Person A receiving an email from a school saying that they’re fully enrolled does not necessarily mean that that’s the case for Person B.


Maybe they won’t send any news?

has anybody heard from groton

has anybody heard from Lawrenceville?

Not yet

I think I’ve seen at least two posts on other threads that have mentioned that they got off the waitlist for Lville.

can you share the threads?

I am wondering if the FA application, which is originally included in the submitted admission application, affects the WL movements.

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In this thread, there was one post that they got admission off WL after they informed the school that they got financial help from other family members.