The Wait List

Thanks for the reply.

I’m not sure how to tag the spot on the other forums, since I don’t think you can post links here. Search the prep school forms here and you should find them.

If you need FA and are on a WL, you need to fit the profile of a space they need to fill AND the school has to have had enough FA "returned " to the pool by those declining offers to extend it to you.

So yes, in general, needing FA can make WL movement harder.

Has anyone heard from Milton?

I personally think that the later u hear from the schools the better cause if they get back to you it’s probably an email saying they’re fully enrolled

no, they also didn’t reply to my letter of continued interest

the waitlist form said september (for me, im assuming it’s the same) so probably later in the summer

Just received fully enrolled email from Groton. This was for 8th grade.


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We haven’t heard from Groton yet. We’re applying for 10th so likely they haven’t gotten to our group yet

Heard there was a 9th grade boy moved off the List at St Paul’s, anyone heard anything about girls?

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They’re definitely going to the wait list for girls

You heard something? Anxious to know.

Have anyone heard anything from Milton

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has anyone heard from northfield or peddie’s waitlist? specifically grade 11

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we are also on a few WL for grade 11 boarding - i did hear (when applying) that G11 at NMH was tight to begin with due to overenrollment in previous yr
do you have a spot for G11 while waiting for those 2?

hello! were you accepted / waitlisted at NMH?

i applied on late applications and got accepted today in NMH. peddie was also late app and we’re expecting decisions around this week.

gr11 boarding waitlist in NMH probably has space since i got in late :))


Loomis & Hotchkiss are officially fully enrolled.

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Received SPS fully enrolled letter today. 9th grade girl

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Still waiting Concord

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Same here - ninth grade girl.