The Wait List

How does it even work when a waitlist allows for movement? Does the entire committee have to re-vote on an applicant? Is it all just up to the director of admissions usually? Assuming the child fits what they’re looking for at that moment, how does it usually work?

I would guess it differs by school. BUT I would also guess that committees are probably meeting daily to review decisions received, rsvps to online and in person revisit sessions, items under review by coaches, FA admins, etc. This is all to assess where they think they’ll be A10.

If there’s a known gap (swimming coach didn’t get any of the boys he was angling for), they might be figuring out which candidates might fill that gap in the context of other emerging needs. But they might also be trying to balance other needs – maybe want more international kids, maybe more day students – and exactly which those are may not yet be known.

WL offers tend to be phone calls and often have a very short turnaround. One of the things the WL does is allow “right-sizing”. In general, offers are made in waves, and to the extent someone declines, they go to another person. Put differently, they don’t generally extend more offers than places with some assumption of yield as they do on M10. There may be exceptions to this, but this is the norm.


Our experience was during Covid and prior to A10 . We received an email, call and our child a swag box along with a generous deadline to accept. Our child was a recruited athlete and this was at one of the top academic schools. This was one of our child’s top choices so when waitlisted they were disappointed so we spoke with the coach who was in admissions and he shared the odds were good for our child if interested. Ultimately our child ended up at another school due to a variety of reasons but we were very pleased with the way that the school handled the process. So it does happen but again, all schools are looking to film specific gaps based on acceptances.


Any movement for now?

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There almost certainly wouldn’t be any movement until after A10. If a school underestimated their yield then they’d begin to tap their wait list at that time.

Any movement after that would be around the dates when deposits are due.

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I don’t know, the Taft school says they will inform people only before April 10th

Taft says they are going to inform people prior to the enrollment deadline whether they’re getting off the waitlist? That seems extremely unlikely unless they’re already very over-enrolled. In which case the answer will be “no.”

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Sometimes, schools do have an idea of whether they need their WL prior to A10. And they know that this can help families avoid double deposits. But it really depends on early responses - who has said yes and who has said no before before the deadline.


Yeah, idk it just days that at the latest we will receive news on A10

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It probably means on A10 they’ll tell you if they’re going to WL or likely won’t.


Through my kids, I was made aware of one student who was accepted as a boarding student (wanted a day spot and lived locally). Was told they were on a day student waitlist. Found out last weekend they were taken off the waitlist and were offered a day spot.

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My friend has gotten off the WL for Loomis yesterday, not sure about others though.


Which school?

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Is your friend a recruited athlete or URM? Thank you.

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There has definitely been some WL movement.

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Then said school(s) either badly missed the mark on yield, or, as likely, a very particular bucket or combination of buckets (e.g. full pay, boarder, girl, tuba player, hockey goalie) enrolled elsewhere and they know they really really need to address the need(s).

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Yep. To the extent that they need a few additional students, admissions officers will make calls over the next few days to put the finishing touches on the class.

Last year, we got the “we are fully enrolled” emails from three schools on April 10, April 11, and April 22. But two of these three schools admitted students off of the waitlist prior to April 10.

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no, she is not exactly recruited, but she can make it to the varsity golf and tennis team if she trials. She has declined the offer for another school though.

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Not a recruited athlete or URM.

has anyone else has gotten off the wl?

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