The Wait List

Congrats on getting off the WL :slight_smile:

Go for it. Best of luck! :slight_smile:


Never too early to planā€¦ so here goesā€¦

Hereā€™s one WL strategy if your FC school waitlists you on M10. Obviously, Iā€™m hoping no one will need it, but if you want to be WL battle ready, it may prove to be helpful on M10. Knowledge is powerā€¦ or, something :

My 3/12/15 post on this thread :

Hereā€™s the drill:

If you receive a WL decision from your first choice school and an acceptance from another school- the steps are pretty simple:

  1. Accept a place on the WL via email with Delivery and Read Receipts.

  2. Schedule a Revisit Day and put the WL school OUT OF YOUR MIND for now. Go to Revisit Day and have a great time.

Youā€™ll have one month for the WL to shakeout and to make a decision about the other school . If you want to go the distance with the WL school ( WITHOUT jeopardizing the other school ) youā€™ll have until A9. On A8 have your PARENT call the WL school and ask to speak to the DOA. Tell WL school that you have to act on an acceptance from another school before the deadline but youā€™d like to check WL status ( one last time ) before you do. If they tell you that theyā€™re NOT going to the WL or they donā€™t expect much movement- thank them and have them remove your name from the WL.

Itā€™s time to MOVE ON unless you choose to stay on the WL. If WL school miraculously does come through ( after A10 ) youā€™ll have to break your commitment with the other school and forfeit your deposit (which is NOT a mere bag of shells, by the way ) . Personally, I could never take this route because Iā€™m way too frugal and like closure .

Iā€™m also big on keeping commitments- but thatā€™s just me. So- now weā€™re one or two days away from the deadlineā€¦

  1. Now that youā€™ve given the WL time to play out ( and you can walkaway and never wonder because youā€™ve seen it through to the endā€¦ ) : Have your parent call the school ( youā€™ll be attending ) and tell them the deposit check is on itā€™s way via FedEx.

The End.

Now, If youā€™re handed all Waitlists without any acceptances - hereā€™s basically what you need to know:

Unfortunately, all you can do is remain calm, guarded and optimistic. Out of the gate, I highly recommend that a WL student sends an email to the school(s) just as I outlined in Step One above. Then the waiting truly begins because the AOs are solely focused on accepted students and revisit days until A10. Yes, a waitlist parent can call an AO M10-A10 to echo what was said in their childā€™s WL email, or to get a WL status update, but just remember where the AO focus is ( as cruel as that sounds- sorry :frowning: ), and remember that all interaction between you and the AO matters. IMHO- itā€™s better to be cool, upbeat and patient. Persistence ( aka stalking ) has worked out well according for some persistent parents, but it has also backfired miserably on many parents , too. Everyone operates differently and Iā€™m not here to tell anyone what to doā€¦ just do what feels best and works well for your family.

If I had to pick two days for a WL parent to call ( after the M10 student email accepting a place on the WL ) , I would pick the day after the last scheduled revisit day and A11- the day after contracts/ deposits are dueā€¦ but thatā€™s just me. I think itā€™s perfectly fine to call anytime before or on A9, too. Just not A10ā€¦ because itā€™s absolutely nuts in all BS AO offices that day.

*** THIS IS IMPORTANT *** Before and after A10, youā€™ll hear about some WL movement here on CC. Youā€™ll also see discouraging posts saying that your school has closed their WL. Please disregard those posts unless youā€™ve received the same letter, email, or you were told the same information over the phone by the AO.

Most schools send out some sort of notification to all families when they officially close their WLā€¦ while some ( forgive me ) will leave you languishing in the desert foreverā€¦

Alsoā€¦ even though itā€™s pretty rare, some Waitlist movement will occur before school begins in late August/ early September. Itā€™s also not uncommon for movement to happen in July, too ā€¦ because thatā€™s when the big money is due.

Life intervenes, plans change and spots at BSs do open up, but sadly itā€™s infrequent. Thatā€™s just the way it is.

The best WL advice Iā€™ve heard during M10-A10 and beyond is to keep an open heart, keep doing all the things that make you happy, and keep moving. If you need to pause and vent there are plenty of veterans ( parents and students ) that are here for youā€¦ many who have experienced exactly what youā€™re going though and could give much better WL advice than I can. So reach out if you need to - even if itā€™s for a lousy cyber hug.

I wish there was some upbeat way to end this post. Itā€™s depressing to write this, but I do hope it helps just in case someone needs it. All I can say is - I wish you all the very, very best on M10 and I will have my fingers crossed for everyone.

Especially the Chance Me and Freakout thread Peepsā€¦ You guys are great! Good luck!!

Thank you so much for all of this since I think I really will be needing this! :-SS

Youā€™re very welcome and please donā€™t worryā€¦ Youā€™ll be fine!

I have two coffee cups I like to choose from everyday. One says : " Believe " in big bold print and the other one says : " It is what it is " in tiny letters . Large and small words to live byā€¦ Now and always. :wink:

Just one more quick suggestion to add to post #1363 for families that might need a Plan Bā€¦

If you get completely shutout and BS enrollment for next fall is absolutely imperative because you donā€™t have a viable school option at home, or your child just really, really, really wants to go ( which happens more often than most people think ā€¦ ) ā€¦ I would recommend researching schools with more forgiving admission rates now and maybe look at some single sex schools so youā€™ll be ready to act quickly ( if you need to ) just before or soon after A10.

Believe me ā€¦ there are many wonderful BS options out there ( Single Sex - CC " Hidden Gem" ( 30-50 ) BS category) that will rock your world and you wonā€™t be the only "HADES " ( or whatever family ) scrambling for post A10 admission.

FWIW- The Good News: I know FP and FA families who were successful with placement post A10 and they donā€™t feel like theyā€™ve compromised a thing. In fact, I believe many of these families would tell you that the BS Gods intervened and had a better plan. Their experiences could easily fall under the Bold Heading: Sometimes things happen for a reasonā€¦

Maybe it involved a little or a lot of adversity upfront ( from waitlists or rejections ) but their kid landed at the perfect schoolā€¦in many ways like it was always meant to be.

Now- The Bad News: I also know many families who were unsuccessful with their Hail Mary placement efforts post A10 - mainly because they clung to a stupid Waitlist too long instead of making rapid inquiries at other schools.

And, of course, sadly thereā€™s always the real possibility that many of these beautiful post A10 Hail Mary ā€œGemsā€ are also fully enrolled, tooā€¦ and have unforgiving Waitlists as well . My advice: Donā€™t wait- call after the last revisit day at any school that interests your family and ask the DOA ( not some random AO ) if they have space ( #1 ) and would consider an application (#2) for next year. Keep in mind : You do not need an expensive EC to handle this. Itā€™s going to be a very difficult climb but it is possible with a cool head, time ( and good timing ) , some patience and resolve . Just donā€™t wait to make the calls!

Hereā€™s what I think : I think regardless of what your BS dreams are today - families ( who truly want or need BS placement for next year ) should have at least one " Plan B- What Ifā€¦ WL- Rejection- BS Zombie Apocalypse " conversation prior to M10 . Perhaps take some time to explore and discuss possible- future BS options/ alternatives togetherā€¦ just in case the apocalypse comes . I know itā€™s really unpleasant and you certainly donā€™t want to dampen spirits right now or hinder any good vibes leading up to M10, but IMHO you really have nothing to lose and everything to gain by having a ā€œwhat ifā€ talk now.

You knowā€¦ while things are still relatively calmā€¦ because I can absolutely promise you this: Things will NOT be calm during M10-A10- especially if your child needs to be enrolled somewhere next year.

Over the years there have been many threads and countless posts relating to ā€œemergency placementā€ during M10-A10. If this could be a scenario that you think you should try to prepare for in some way ā€¦ Iā€™d have a list of potential ā€œPlan Bā€ schools ( with DOA phone numbers ) at the ready in a file somewhere ready to goā€¦ ā€¦ now.

You can have a plan and just tuck it away just in caseā€¦ instead of full on panic later. If you donā€™t need the file ( Yay!!! ) just toss it in the fireplace and burn it. Enjoy burning itā€¦ even better!!

Much like a committed ex-smokerā€¦ who hides one cigarette in a sealed glass container somewhere "just in case " ā€¦ with a hammer nearby . :wink: Now-thatā€™s what I call good planningā€¦ Anyway-

Something to think about now based on what has happened to many families in the past. IDK- I like to try to avoid as much misery and panic as I canā€¦ so I tend to focus on Worse Case Scenarios upfront more than most people here or anywhere for that matter - and please know Iā€™m not trying to freak anyone out right now. I just think itā€™s very wise to think about it a little bit now and maybe talk about a possible Plan B or other post M10- A10 school scenarios, too ā€¦

ā€¦ so there you have it.

Sorry for the long post- just know that Iā€™ll have my fingers crossed for everyone on M10. Especially you, @GrotonKid123 ~O) Take care and think positive thoughts!

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^ I agree completely! We were one of those families who was completely shut out on M10. We kept an open mind and in May found a wonderful placement for our DS. It isnā€™t what we were expecting, but has definitely been a good fit. The upside is that it is a day school and I get to keep him at home!

This is so helpful. I am so worried that my son will get WL or rejected from all BS and he really really wants to go. He is not a HADES kid, so none of those schools. But it didnā€™t occur to me to make a list now of other schools to call just before Apr 10. Is there a list somewhere of ā€œHidden Gemā€ schools?

@Summer1974 - Two helpful BS websites :

Here is a very good CC " Hidden Gem Thread ". I have brought you to p 4 because there are links to school websites along with some great mini- reviews and blurbs, but the entire thread is definitely worth reading :

Some of the ā€œhidden gemsā€ on that old thread are EXTREMELY hard to get into. They arenā€™t hidden anymore :wink:

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^very true @calimex. And some, although hidden, wont have spots available for late applicants. There are several schools with rolling admissions, though. And some of the same sex schools may have spots despite their early application deadline.

They were never hidden. Theyā€™re also the first choice for many, many families and have been for over a hundred years but their status has been reduced on CC because people who donā€™t know about BSs seem to focus on only a select group of boarding schoolsā€¦ which is sad, not very smartā€¦ and slightly ridiculous, if you ask me.

Donā€™t get me started . :wink: Pretty sure everyone would like to keep the WL thread about Waitlistsā€¦ so I wonā€™t dive in on that one ! Not today on this thread anyway!! :wink: But I hear you, @CaliMex !!

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Yes, @ Calimex is correct. For parents reading this new to the BS admission process, I would take Peddie, Taft, Thacher, Hill, and SAS off that list if one is looking for higher admission rates!

@PhotographerMom there are many points youā€™ve touched on that get me started. So, we can grit our teeth together. Can yā€™all tell my computer has crashed at work?!?! Lol.

Iā€™ve mentioned this before, but my son got into Thacher off the wait list. It does happen. He was admitted to a number of other schools, but Thacher was his first choice. Our message to Thacher was ā€œif he is admitted off the WL prior to having to declare to another school, he WILL attend.ā€ About three days before we had to make a final decision, the School called and we said yes. For those getting waitlisted, there are lots of individual circumstances that figure into strategy, but I just wanted to note that good things can still happen.

Does anyone know if the school gives the WL#? for e.gā€¦ you are Wait List # 51 so that we know our chances?

Iā€™ve never heard of a WL # because the school is putting together a class. So if the track sprinter they needed turns them down, they pick another track sprinter. Itā€™s all over the map.

Agree with @preppedparent I think it depends on the holes that open and the type of students they need to fill those holes.

Wait lists arenā€™t ranked in that sense. They are used to match the hole left by an admitted student who declined. So, for example, if all the declines are male and your student is a female, it wonā€™t matter how attractive a candidate she is, she isnā€™t a substitute.

@ChoatieMom I play the violin and paint. Since these are fairly common ECs, would my chances of getting off a waitlist be reduced, if I was placed on one?