The Wait List

@harvardwestL17 I agree with the posters in your other post. Time to call and let them know you will commit if offered and need to make other plans otherwise. See where you stand.

I have to say that (and this goes for college too), I treat all waitlists as “rejection”. It is easier to just move on to the next school. If, and only if, a spot opens later, then address it then. Do not wait for something that might never come. I have seen very little movement on any waitlist over the years, so “love the school that loves you”.

I hope no one thinks this harsh – it is just too hard to be in limbo. Waiting is not a fun place to be. Better to move on and enjoy the excitement of planning for an actual event. Fingers crossed if you decide to keep waiting - everyone needs to do the right thing for themselves. Just my .02.

Suffield has no remaining spots for 10th grade girls- possibly some room for boys

@harvardwestL17 I did not mean to give the impression that I have some special level of knowledge regarding waitlist movement – I just happen to know this one piece of information. My personal opinion, however, is that you should probably just take it as a soft rejection as Exeter rarely, if ever, goes to their waitlist.

To quote that great NJ philosopher, Bon Jovi:
" We’re half way there–living on a prayer"…

@Golfgr8 HAHA! :)) I love that song,Now i’m going to listen to my 80’s playlist after reading your post.

Hi! Does anyone know if Deerfield has let anyone off their grade 11 waitlist?

does anyone have any information about SPS grade 11 girls waitlist?

Curious if anyone is getting off waitlists. Good luck to those waiting, hang in there!
My son did get offered a spot last August (full pay) but we decided to start over this year and apply to more schools.

I just got off of Exeter’s waitlist today–I’m still in shock.

@Silverca07 congrats!! You must feel really lucky :slight_smile:

Yes Thank you :slight_smile:

Congrats! Great news! Great school and community!

Congrats! Is this for 9th?


@Silverca07 woohoo!!! Congratulations!!!

Congrats @Silverca07!

Thank you sm!!

Is it harder to get into a good college from a boarding school (due to the competition) or from a regular private high school.

@Silverca07 depends on you, really. it’s different for every person. but it is a fantastic opportunity that will greatly aid you in your college admissions