The Wait List

I hear you, @MtnTrailX … but no one wants to hear about some unholy lottery, past admission cycle , percentages, or L’Ville or Hotchkiss right now. No one cares… and judging by the volume of PMs that I’ve received yesterday and today… they just want to know what to do. :wink: Thus… the WL tips/ instructions above… Thanks :wink:

Best of luck to everybody on the waitlist!

In general (there may be an exception here or there, but it is so rare, assume it won’t happen to you) the 9th grader rejecting is not part of the equation for you, only (potentially) for 9th graders on the WL. The 11th grader rejecting will only open up a place for another 11th grader if more 11th graders reject than they planned. If they are planning for 20 new 11th graders, and they accepted 30, they will only go to the waitlist when the 11th 11th grader rejects them. @ThomasBr

Hello once again CC community,
I applied to 11th grade at Exeter, Andover and Hotchkiss. I was waitlisted by Exeter and Hotchkiss and rejected by Andover. I know my chances of getting off the waitlist are very low, but I was wondering if someone who was accepted to 9th grade rejected the offer of admission, would they consider taking me off the waitlist or would they only consider taking me off the waitlist only if an accepted 11th grader rejected their admission offer.

I was wait listed by Exeter and Choate. I accepted the position to be on the wait list and wrote a follow-up letter as Exeter said they accept them. I also applied for financial aid for both schools. Do I really have any chance to get into either Choate or Exeter?

@skieurope thank you so much for the info!

does anyone know of anyone or is someone who has been taken off the waitlist at Exeter or Hotchkiss?

@ThomasBr . I know of someone who was admitted to Exeter off waitlist years ago. This person is now in grad school, so over 10 years ago. He/she was very persistent with the AO and gained admittance. Thiis could have easily backfired, of course.

@vwbug25 Thanks for the info, now i know its at least possible

Would it be a good idea to contact the AO at my first choice school telling them that it is my first choice? ( I was waitlisted)

Has anyone ever written an email to the admissions office after getting waitlisted?

Exeter and Choate both offered to accept any additional accomplishments, letters, grades, etc. Would sending this stuff in be effective for getting off the waitlist?

No one can say for sure, @Totorocinnamon03 but if it’s new or compelling information that you think they should know it certainly won’t hurt. It will also show continued interest.

Remember: they don’t know the schools you applied to or what your overall outcome was on M10. Your continued correspondence however will show them that you are willing to wait and see what happens with their WL- which is not uncommon or ever a bad thing. Plenty of people with acceptances in hand got Waitlisted by first choice school on M10 and they’re willing to go the distance until A10.

In other words- do what you can. The best outcome for your efforts would be a nod ( naturally ) … the worst outcome would be that you did your very best and left no stone unturned… and there’s nothing wrong with that.

All the best and good luck!

Thank you! @PhotographerMom

Does anybody now how do they contact you if they want you?( from the wait list)

@yuor28 Generally schools will call a parent first.

Thank you!

Question - is it possible that the decision to waitlist me at schools (5 of the 6) had something to do with my location? I live in an underrepresented state, so could they be waiting for the decisions of other people from my state?


They are waiting on decisions from all applicants they admitted. After A10, they will know if they need another student from an underrepresented state — or some other profile.

Hi, I applied to MDX and CA and was waitlisted at both. I can’t seem to find any people rejected by these schools; could that mean they are examples of schools that use the waitlist as a ‘sugar-coated’ rejection? Please give it to me straight, I don’t mind if my feelings get hurt☹ Anyways, would it be a good idea to send them both emails explaining how I know there were caviats in my application and being a student from England with 2 weeks to revise for my SSAT (very tough family circumstances) yeilded me with only the 78th%-ile, a score which I know I can improve upon greatly given more time to prepare. Maybe explaining why my application could be better might help?

Any help is greatly appreciated.