The Wait List

I definitely think everyone should share what they hear! Good news, bad news - the whole shebang. We can celebrate or commiserate together. Even getting potentially incorrect info seems preferable to just sitting in the dark wondering what the heck is going on. I wish the schools realized how much kinder it would be to send a quick email to folks with any kind of update - even if it’s just an email to say they’ll send another update once they know more!

Did anyone receive any info on the SPS waitlist?

I suspect that one of the reasons schools don’t seND out blast information as fast as everyone would like is that the WL “closes” in phases. They may have filled the girls dorm. Or exhausted the FA allocation for this year. But they may still be looking at a few spots for FP boys. Or whatever.

Schools try to craft communities, not simply admit students. With commitments due earlier this week, some may still be figuring out what they need. I appreciate how hard it is to be waiting, but honestly, it’s not over for you until they say so. Nor is it likely - but it can happen.

To all here especially parents, we are on the same boat because of this waitlist situation. There is probably just 1% opportunity left for the waitlisted kids. If you think that is too cruel, the reality is. We have been noticed by almost all schools that they are not moving to waitlist for 10th grade. So be alert for those who decided apply for 10th grade. If you don’t get the ticket at the first place, it will be almost impossible getting out of the waitlist.

Andover AO even called me, but basically a comfort, “too many applicants, your kid has done all what he should do, he is doing well in the current school, right?”,
So I still don’t know what can be improved. As some other parents already said, they will never tell you the REAL fact, even you painfully want to know what went wrong for your kids and you want to avoid it next time. Absolutely we have missed something in the application, thus we ended up here.

Life will continue. My son will stay in the current school. Good luck to all here. Solute to the parents and students here providing advice, comfort, thoughts to others.

My daughter hasn’t heard from Peddie or Princeton Day school regarding waitlist? I am assuming its a No but was hoping to receive some communication.

Congratulations to all the admitted students and good luck to those, like my son, who are the WL. Please call for yourselves. I just spoke to PA and was told “we will start on our WL in a couple of weeks”. “Students can stay on the WL till the 1st day of school b/c things happen!” SPS said, “we are over enrolled”. She asked is i “want your son to be put on the Summer WL?” I told her we did and she took his name and said she noted it. Hotckiss said, “Our WL is at a stand still but you can call in a couple of weeks if you want your child on the Summer WL.” Lawrenceville, i left a message for. He received The No from Exeter, Deerfield, and Choate.

I’m not here to discourage anyone. I appreciate all the information. I’m just stating what is happening for us, 10th grade boy, FA. On my calls to the 4 schools that he’s on the wait list for, i didn’t mention FA. I know how this works. My oldest was on a 9th grade WL to a few schools but got in the next year at PA, FA. She got in straight away.

We will continue to wait. Worst case, which isn’t bad, he will continue at his current school. As a 9th grader in 11th and 12th grade classes, we’re making it work. Good luck to all. My son’s words: “Mom, there’s always next year!”

Please can someone tell me if Lawrenceville has reached out?

Just called Choate AO, right now 10th grade girl enrollment is full.

Called Andover, the AO is busy at reviewing the WL. Llast year, it was over enrolled, it seems this year it might be some moving from WL.

Received a call from Lawrenceville. “Team met and still evaluating if they will need the WL. We will not know until next week or so. We will contact you one way or another.”

Jusr wanted to share the information i received from the 4 schools my son is on the WL for.


@wjeanj2005 , are you saying your son will apply for 11th, even 12th grade if he cannot get out of waitlist? I heard there is no opening for 11 and 12 except for athletes, is that true?

Yes, he will apply each year. Only regret is we didn’t for 9th grade. My daughter went to PA in 10-12th and there were students admitted other than athletes. Their Godmom worked at PA for several years and she’s telling us not to give up. He may even have to do a PG year. He’s a 14 year old 9th grader so he’s young. Open to all options. My daughter is now at Cornell University. We know what a diff BS makes.

@wjeanj2005 , thanks for sharing. You have done good job in helping kids for better education. Your son is 1 year younger than avg. My son is 15 year old 9th grader. Is your son strong in athlete? We did a late app last year, so we already applied twice. Very tired and thinking about giving up. for 11th and 12th if admits, probably only a few.

Thanks. Would have NEVER thought BS w/o their Godmom’s input. My son runs track but not a star. He also plays lacrosse but we didn’t count on any of that. We will see. Good luck.

Just got an email from Choate. My 9th grade daughter was told that it did not look like there would be WL movement but given the option to remain on the list through summer. She passed.

Same here. got email from Choate, no movement on WL for 10th grade boy. Remaining on the waitlist continuously.

I know some folks on this board will say otherwise, but I’m thinking that no news in this case is definitely NOT good news. Not a peep in my inbox about anything this week. Maddening!

For calling the schools, would it be better for the parent to call or the applicant?

(relating to previous post) about waitlist info, when we should be expecting movement, etc…

^I think that it’s appropriate for the parent to make that call.