The Wait List

I can appreciate that waiting and hoping to gain admittance from a waitlist is painful process, but I think that some (perhaps many) students appreciate getting a WL as a soft rejection. I know that, when CaliKid was applying, CaliKid understood that all of the schools to which CaliKid was applying have low acceptance rates and there were no guarantees. At the time, CaliKid could deal with the possibility of not being admitted–certainly would have re-applied if not admitted–but nonetheless wanted to get WLs if not admitted. I could easily see kids who are rejected, particularly if they have everything seemingly in order on paper, taking it somewhat personally and/or being discouraged from applying again, even though they might have a reasonable shot as a re-applicant.

As for publishing the number of people on the waitlist, and assuming the WL is large, I could see that potentially reducing the potential benefits of a soft reject. Also, it’s not clear to me that publishing numbers makes the process for waitlisted applicants much better, as there is apparently no rank-ordered list of WL applicants, which means that knowing the number doesn’t inform the likelihood for any particular applicant to be selected from the WL pool. And if the number on the list is relatively small, does that increase anxiety and hope for the WL kids? Some might say it’s better for everyone to assume that their chances of being admitted from a WL is very small.

FYI, I’m not suggesting that having a larger waitlist is necessarily the right approach. I’m just playing devil’s advocate, as it seems like a defensible option.

Unfortunately wait list and $6 will only get you a Starbucks grande. Waitlist may mean you are well thought of but that doesn’t help. So close, but yet so far.

Really happy for your child…!

Congrats @bump219 !

Yes, congrats @bump21!

@bump219 Congrats!!
maybe create a separate post with your question? otherwise only waitlisted people will see it LOL

Just got an email message saying there are still openings at Wilbraham Monson! If you are still looking for a boarding school for this fall, here’s your chance!

Congrats @bump219 - great news!

Just got an email message from Stuart Hall School in Staunton, VA. They still have openings AND financial aid! Who’s going to contact them first? Check out the school at

@CaliMex - You beat me to it. Just came here to post the same thing.

I know someone who just got off the Deerfield waitlist, but he has connections to admission officers and board members, as well as he hired a consultant which ended up lobbying for him to get off the waitlist.

Exeter and Groton both said they likely won’t be going to the waitlist this year. I’ve come to terms with my decision and am attending a great school in the fall anyways. If I magicaly receive a call from Exeter and Groton, then that’s that. But I’m not going to expect anything

Days after the waitlist, I kept checking my email in hopes of something, just something that would provide as hope for me to get off the waitlist. But at the end of the day, this process can be really random. As an international US citizen, I assume I was put into the pool for the country I reside in (very competitive country in Asia, quite obvious what it is). From what I’ve heard, only two students from China got into Groton this year and fifteen got into Exeter. All of the people I was competing with hired an admission consultant and were Goldman Sachs or investment banking children.

If anyone applying next year is reading this, I would highly reccommend not being disappointed by whatever happens. There are always factors out of your control, and nothing is ever guaranteed. Thanks for the help everyone!

@22louisl , you’re headed to a great school. Congratulations! Just a thought for you after reading your post - and knowing that 4 years from now, you’ll go through this again!

There will always be people who have what you don’t and are what you aren’t. And you will have what others don’t and are what they aren’t. There are kids who didn’t get into Peddie who are bemoaning that it is because they aren’t exotic, like the American kid who lives overseas, when in faCT you got in because you are going to be a great addition to their community. Sure, one thing you bring is a different perspective as a result of living abroad, but you’re much more than that!

The kids who got into schools where you were WL somehow met the needs of that community better than you did. Their admissions consultants may have steered them toward those schools for that reason. But don’t diminish who they are or make excuses. Nobody outside the admissions office really knows how decisions are made.

And welcome to the Garden State!!

@22louisl if it were one of my kids, they’d be jealous you got into Peddie, if they’d gotten into one of the other schools…so, it’s all in perspective! Peddle seems to be an excellent BS and I’m sure you’ll flourish there! Congrats and good luck!

@22louisl One of my friends was accepted to Groton this year, and at the Beijing reception there were four students

What I heard from many people is that most schools will go to the waitlist before April 10. It makes sense as any offer made before April 10 goes into their yield. My waitlist offer from Hotchkiss came on April 8, and Exeter also told us to call them a week before April 10 to check in on the waitlist. What I think, is that right now the only chance to luck out is maybe during the summer.

@Academy123 , congrats. thanks for sharing. Hotchkiss is a good school too. I wonder how many were admitted from the waitlist during the summer from the past.

You will see how MIT made the admission data clear out of a hyper competitive and fair process.

~900 admitted students and ~500 waitlist… and 10% get off the list in a typical year.

admission rate by region, race, and by standard test score, and much more.

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Which is all fine and dandy, but this thread is about wait lists to high schools. Let’s keep on topic please.

Good for MIT, now back to our regular programming already in progress.