<p>mine </p>
<p>(it's because one of my friends has a screennamed caleld shoeofmine and it just reminded me of it)</p>
<p>mine </p>
<p>(it's because one of my friends has a screennamed caleld shoeofmine and it just reminded me of it)</p>
<p>eyes (battle hymn of the republic. which song must, by the way, die. soon. drives me crazy.)</p>
<p>jesamemucho...i love saying ur name...jesamemuchO!</p>
<p>whaaa? (that's my word)</p>
<p>myspace because most people (who are not my friends) leave comments something like this:</p>
<p>whaaaa omg lyke omg ish is jsut...</p>
<p>i heart you ***** etc.</p>
<p>speaking of which who has been infected by myspace? if you have, i must find you. because myspace, despite being the breeding ground for attention whores (of which i am definitely one), or rather because of it, is incredibly addictive and that's that. </p>
<p>email: <a href="mailto:jesamemucho@netscape.net">jesamemucho@netscape.net</a></p>
<p>erin </p>
<p>I knew this girl named erin who was on myspace. I knew her through livejournal. haha. I am no myspace member but I am all for the LJs man. I am a nerd. :-P</p>
<p>i knew this girl named erin once and she reminded me of the care bears, only i liked her and i don't like the care bears. actually, i have an lj too. the problem is that people in new jersey are all way into these online meet-each-other thingies (we're overly social i guess), so they all went for the xanga craze (i have one of those two, which someone else originally made for me...i always get sucked in way after everyone else), and then my up north friends all have ljs for some reason. so like, i hardly ever write in my lj but it's how i keep up with my old friends' lives.</p>
<p>*too. i am an idiot.</p>
<p>annoying !</p>
<p>can i just ask what the point of this game is? i dont mean to be negative or anything it just seems really stupid</p>
<p>sean - no point really, at least I don't think. No one was actually posting on the boards so someone started it up to get the socializing going, I suppose. Although I'm not completely sure. But it's working--I mean a lot of people are talking now, and I know they exist, unlike before when I was like "Where is everyone??" :-P</p>