Theories regarding nature of climax Part Two

<p>I guess the teacher I had this year has calmed down A LOT since last year, but she still throws in a lot of sexual comments. Then there was the Leda the Swam rape poem we had to read this year. -_- uhg.</p>

<p>LOL I read Leda the Swan this year too, musicallylatin. What a lovely rape. Gotta love the gods and how climatic they are.</p>

<p>Oh ya, I loved that… -_- And then my teacher’s commentary on it. </p>

<p>My English teacher always talks about her “beau”. It creeps me out.</p>

<p>^Uh, ew.</p>

<p>My teacher describes how pomegranates were symbolic of breasts.</p>

<p>Yeah, I have no idea how this had any relevance to what we were studying. Something to do with the Odyssey and Penelope? But the woman actually BROUGHT IN POMEGRANATES! And demonstrated!!! Euh…</p>